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X-Authentication-Warning: | mail set sender to geda-user-bounces using -f |
X-Recipient: | geda-user AT delorie DOT com |
Date: | Sat, 3 Feb 2018 16:58:04 +0100 (CET) |
From: | Roland Lutz <rlutz AT hedmen DOT org> |
To: | "Richard Rasker (rasker AT linetec DOT nl) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" <geda-user AT delorie DOT com> |
Subject: | Re: [geda-user] Net length info question |
In-Reply-To: | <> |
Message-ID: | <alpine.DEB.2.20.1802031654070.3102@nimbus> |
References: | <0a59af1c-d27e-2b2f-f649-fd5f84ae7fc5 AT linetec DOT nl> |
User-Agent: | Alpine 2.20 (DEB 67 2015-01-07) |
MIME-Version: | 1.0 |
Reply-To: | geda-user AT delorie DOT com |
Errors-To: | nobody AT delorie DOT com |
X-Mailing-List: | geda-user AT delorie DOT com |
X-Unsubscribes-To: | listserv AT delorie DOT com |
This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. --8323329-38784847-1517673484=:3102 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed Hi Richard, On Sat, 3 Feb 2018, Richard Rasker (rasker AT linetec DOT nl) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com] wrote: > with the cursor over the net, is there a way to report the net length up > to the cursor, even when the total length is more? I've been using the attached script to measure arbitrary "found" nets. You should easily be able to change this to "selected" or any other criterion you need. (This method does require you to save the file, though.) Roland --8323329-38784847-1517673484=:3102 Content-Type: text/x-python; Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <alpine DOT DEB DOT 2 DOT 20 DOT 1802031658040 DOT 3102 AT nimbus> Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9lbnYgcHl0aG9uDQppbXBvcnQgbWF0aCwgcmUsIHN5cw0K DQpSRV9MSU5FID0gcmUuY29tcGlsZSgNCiAgICAnXHRMaW5lXFsoW14gXSop IChbXiBdKikgKFteIF0qKSAoW14gXSopIChbXiBdKikgKFteIF0qKSAiKFte Il0qKSJcXVxuJCcpDQpSRV9MRU4gPSByZS5jb21waWxlKA0KICAgICcoWzAt OS5dKykobW18bWlsfCknKQ0KDQpkZWYgcGFyc2VfbGVuKHMpOg0KICAgIG0g PSBSRV9MRU4ubWF0Y2gocykNCiAgICBpZiBtLmdyb3VwKDIpID09ICdtbSc6 DQogICAgICAgIHJldHVybiBmbG9hdChtLmdyb3VwKDEpKQ0KICAgIGlmIG0u Z3JvdXAoMikgPT0gJ21pbCc6DQogICAgICAgIHJldHVybiBmbG9hdChtLmdy b3VwKDEpKSAqIC4wMjU0DQogICAgYXNzZXJ0IG5vdCBtLmdyb3VwKDIpDQog ICAgYXNzZXJ0IGZsb2F0KG0uZ3JvdXAoMSkpID09IDAuDQogICAgcmV0dXJu IDAuDQoNCmwgPSAwDQoNCmZvciBsaW5lIGluIHN5cy5zdGRpbjoNCiAgICBt ID0gUkVfTElORS5tYXRjaChsaW5lKQ0KICAgIGlmIG0gaXMgTm9uZSBvciAn Zm91bmQnIG5vdCBpbiBtLmdyb3VwKDcpLnNwbGl0KCcsJyk6DQogICAgICAg IGNvbnRpbnVlDQoNCiAgICB4MCA9IHBhcnNlX2xlbihtLmdyb3VwKDEpKQ0K ICAgIHkwID0gcGFyc2VfbGVuKG0uZ3JvdXAoMikpDQogICAgeDEgPSBwYXJz ZV9sZW4obS5ncm91cCgzKSkNCiAgICB5MSA9IHBhcnNlX2xlbihtLmdyb3Vw KDQpKQ0KDQogICAgbCArPSBtYXRoLmh5cG90KHgxIC0geDAsIHkxIC0geTAp DQoNCiAgICBpZiB4MCA9PSB4MToNCiAgICAgICAgcHJpbnQgJ3ZlcnQnLA0K ICAgIGVsaWYgeTAgPT0geTE6DQogICAgICAgIHByaW50ICdob3J6JywNCiAg ICBlbHNlOg0KICAgICAgICBwcmludCAnZGlhZycsDQogICAgcHJpbnQgbWF0 aC5oeXBvdCh4MSAtIHgwLCB5MSAtIHkwKQ0KDQpwcmludCBsDQo= --8323329-38784847-1517673484=:3102--
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