Mail Archives: geda-user/2017/05/30/02:13:11

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Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 08:21:35 +0200 (CEST)
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From: gedau AT igor2 DOT repo DOT hu
Subject: [geda-user] [pcb-rnd] up next: subcircuits (a.k.a. footprint model redesign)
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Hi all,

now that pcb-rnd 1.2.3 is out, it's time to celebr^W focus on the next big 
chunk of work.

A few months back we made a feature poll among pcb-rnd users about which 
feature was the most wanted. The result was:

1st: editable layers (just released)

2nd: subcricuits (see below)

3rd: pad stacks and blind/buried vias (with the lowest score possible - 
seems to be a lower priority task with no real user demand, postponed for 
a later date)

So next big chunk is subcircuits: footprint model redesign.

Current situation: pcb elements

There are a lot of feature requests out there about extending the 
footprint model. A few random example:

- polygon in footprint, 2009, 2010

- arc in footprint, 2010:

- how to work around missing mask editing feature in footprints, 2004: AT seul DOT org&q=subject:%22Re%3A+gEDA-user%3A+PCB%3A+how+to+clear+soldermask+from+entire+footprint%22&o=newest&f=1

It would be possible to add code just for these cases. However, each such 
example would introduce a new set of special cases in the code base, and 
these cases will always interact with almost all other such specil cases. 
Which means an exponential growth in special case vs. sepcial case 
interaction that would be rather hard to maintain long term. This is not 
the route we take in pcb-rnd.

Generally speaking, the problem is that our footprint model is a bag of 
special cases: footprints can have the special objects, for example:

  - element-line, but that's only lines drawn on silk

  - (smd) pad, which can't have arbitrary shape and must be on top or 
bottom copper

  - pin, which is basically just an "element-via", with some pin number and 
pin name attached; mostly code dup of via plus code dup from smd pads for 
the number/name

  - exactly 3 silk text objects, from which only 1 can be dispalyed at any 
given time (refdes, footprint description, value)

  - a bunch of automatic side effects, like mask and paste on smd pads

There are some clever hacks to work around some of the limitations, 
usually by combining pads and pins. But this is not building from pure, 
orthogonal bricks, but building from fuzzy haystacks, mainly trying to 
combine and cancel side effects. I know this "works", I know we do this 
since forever, but this is far from the optimal solution.

Future: subcircuits
I am going to slowly replace this old mechanism in pcb-rnd with a new 
system called "subcircuits". From the user's point of view, a subcircuit 
takes the same role as a "footprint" (... in a lib, or "element", when 
placed on a board - as of gEDA/pcb terminology).

A subcircuit does not have special objects like "pins", "pads" or 
"element-lines". Instead, it has the same objects that the layout has: 
lines, arcs, polygons, text and vias. (In fact I am going to use the same 
C struct that the board uses, which is pcb_data_t in pcb-rnd).

Trick #1: flexible layer handling

Just like a board, a subcircuit also has a layer stack. When the 
subcircuit is a footprint, this layer stack is not a particular physical 
stack, rather a recipe. E.g. instead of fixed layer numbers, this stack 
would contain patterns like "this layer should be in the top copper 
physical layer on the board". It could indirectly reference any physical 
layer: copper, silk, mask, paste, outline; top, bottom or even inner 
layers. Once the subcircuit is placed on a board with an actual physicla 
layer stack, the layer binding is performed: with or without 
interactive user intervention, using the layer stack recipe, each layer 
the subcircuit uses is boud to one of the actual layers of the board.

Trick #2: flexible terminal handling

Just like in tEDAx, pins/pads are no special objects but plain drawing 
primitives tagged for a given terminal. Terminal is the "pin number, pin 
name" concept. A multiple vias, lines, arcs, polygons or even text objects 
can be tagged to be part of a terminal. The netlist sees terminals only.


In practice this means our new footprints will be capable of hosting:

- arbitrary shaped pads drawn as lines and polygons

- arbitrary shaped copper objects not being pads; a.k.a. pcb antenne; but 
this includes copper text or mask cutout text too; your company logo can 
really be a footprint

- arbitrary mask cutouts, mask cutouts that are not derived from pads

- arbitrary placement of paste; want a grid of paste blobbs on the center 
pad of your largish qfn? no need t emulate it with 10 pads, just draw them 
on the paste layer

- slots or other cutouts/edge-contour-patterns; even the whole board shape 
can be a footprint

- text and polygon on silk


This will probably take a long time, spanning multiple development 
cyclces, just like the layer rewrite did.

Stage 1:

We will start implementing it in the current cycle and will make it 
gradually grow until it reaches its full featured, final form. We will 
make sure that at every intermediate release subcircuits are usable and 
alreayd provide extra features over footprints. We will keep the original 
footprints in place during this process.

Lihata board v3 will have support for subcircuits. The subcircuit subtree 
will also be avaialble as a subcircuit file format for sharing footprints.

While we are in this stage, we'll encourage users to use subcricuits 
instead of footprints, and always save in lihata board v3 instead of other 
formats. However, the code will still be able to use the old footprints in 

Stage 2:

At some point in time subcircuits will be capable enough to replace 
footprints. At this point we will remove footprints, pins, pads, 
element-lines, element-arcs. We will also need to rewrite import code to 
convert old elements to subcricuits on load and rewrite export code to 
convert subcircuits back to elements for old formats.

Stage 3:

We'll convert pcblib from the old, element based .fp files to 
lihata subcircuit files. We'll rewrite the parametric footprint scripts to 
generate lihata subcircuits instead of pcb elements. This will include 
extending some of the parametrics with features that was not possible with 
pcb elements because of the limitaiton of the model/format.

(This also means our parametric footprints won't be available for pcb 
mainline without a conversion or without mainline upgraded to lihata 
formats and the subcircuit model)

What you can do to help

Most wanted: testers. We are again going to change a critical part of the 
system, we need all sort of testing. Testers with even only a few hours a 
week are very valuable for getting such new features stable.

Second most wanted: contributors on non-coding material (e.g. docs, 
tutorials, test files)

Production users: people who use the stable version of pcb-rnd for 
actual production boards and report bugs. Especially those who are willing 
to try out new features that are already labelled stable by developers.

Programmers: we have a growing number of developers and contributors, but 
there's always more work than resources, obviously. Anyone is welcome 
if they have some free time and willing to accept the pcb-rnd ways of 
doing things. Be part of one of the most dynamic projects of gEDA!



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