Mail Archives: geda-user/2016/09/20/07:15:31

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Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2016 13:12:27 +0200 (CEST)
From: Roland Lutz <rlutz AT hedmen DOT org>
To: "dmn (graahnul DOT grom AT gmail DOT com) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" <geda-user AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: Re: [geda-user] Default gnetlist frontend changed
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Hi Dmitry,

thank you for sumbitting this patch! :)  If I understand it correctly, 
these are actually four different problems:

On Tue, 20 Sep 2016, graahnul.grom wrote:
> - hard-coded python binary path
> - hard-coded python include path
> - hard-coded guile include path

In which paths are Python and Guile installed on your system, 
respectively?  What's the preferred way to determine this on FreeBSD?

Is there a reason for you to choose `python-config' and `guile-config' 
over `pkg-config'?

> - non-portable C++ code in key_iterator.h

It's in C++98, so how can it not be portable?  Are there additional 
language restrictions present in FreeBSD?  I tested the code with both g++ 
and clang++ and the `-std=c++98' and `-pedantic' options, and the only 
warnings I got were about empty macro arguments and commas at the end of 
an enumeration.

> Furthermore, xorn can be built using GNU sed (gsed) only.
> So, potentially there are more portability problems.

The intention is that Xorn shouldn't depend on GNU sed; if it does, that's 
a bug.  What problems did you encounter with non-GNU sed?

> xorn.guile.lookup(guile_proc)('/proc/self/fd/%d' % f.fileno())
> Unfortunately, there is no /proc/self/ directory on my system - FreeBSD.

What's the preferred way on FreeBSD to address a file descriptor as a 
file?  Is there such a way at all?

The other obvious way to implement this would be to redirect the standard 
output, and let the backend output there.  I tried to avoid this as it may 
cause some messages printed to stdout to be included in the output, but 
maybe it's the better option considering portability.

On Tue, 20 Sep 2016, M. J. Everitt (m DOT j DOT everitt AT iee DOT org) [via
geda-user AT delorie DOT com] wrote:
> Ewwww, what on earth hard-coded horror is this?!

How would you solve this?


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