Mail Archives: geda-user/2016/07/14/05:58:19
Hi all,
as an experiment I'm inviting you, geda & pcb users, to a code & test
sprint this Saturday (sorry for the short notice). It'd be between 7:00
UTC and 17:00 UTC (you don't need to stay for the whole 12 hours).
Please consider investing an hour or two of your time - and yes, this
means YOU, personally: the future of geda, pcb mainline, pcb-rnd strongly
depends on such feedback between causal users and developers.
Objective: give the new config infrastructure and new features some
testing with direct developer support.
There's no commitment or risk involved, no preliminary knowledge required,
no programmnig skills needed, just some investment (your time).
The event is held on IRC:
Port: 6667
Channel: #pcb-rnd
Web-chat interface:
P.S. the event is not on because the web irc gateway is
banned on that network. I'll be online on both networks,tho.
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