Mail Archives: geda-user/2016/04/01/06:44:20
DJ Delorie schreef op wo 23-03-2016 om 16:56 [-0400]:
> The easiest way to do custom outputs like this is to post-process the
> *.pcb file to a new file, and print that (just grepping out all the
> line/arc/via entries, for example). For example, I have a pcb2paste
> script that extracts all the pads and edits them (attached).
> Otherwise, drawing pins and pads is handled differently for the GUI
> than for the exporters.
I'm perhaps a bit late with my reply (been exceedingly busy), but thanks
for your explanation.
Yes, I thought of something like this, but didn't have the time to
really get hands-on with this.
I think your Perl script is a nice starting point for what I want -- the
only thing I have to do is just learn Perl ;-) Nah, it seems simple
enough, so I think I'll go do some hacking in the next few days.
BTW, I made some simple Bash helper scripts of my own for PCB projects
that people may find useful (some of these I already offered before, but
I updated & improved them somewhat), see
pcbcreate: generates a PCB + gschem project, based on gschem and PCB
template files. It sets the correct path attributes in PCB for importing
the associated gschem file; also, the project name is set in gschem's
title block, as well as on PCB's silk screen layer.
pcbzip: generates one zip file containing the exported Gerber files, as
commonly accepted by manufacturers. With the -xy switch, the .xy
and .bom files are also generated (the former included in the zip file,
the latter separate). The .bom file is sorted with bomsort (see below).
If the project name is omitted, pcbzip lists all PCB files found in the
current directory and asks which one should be processed.
The separate Gerber files are deleted after inclusion in the zip file,
as I found that I very rarely need those files. Deletion hugely reduces
clutter in the project directory.
bomsort: sorts the exported .bom file, with lines sorted in alphabetical
order according to refdes type (C, Q, R, U etcetera), and refdes'es
within each line sorted in ascending numerical order.
template.sch and template.pcb: gschem and PCB template files
I'm still thinking about a crude versioning tool as well -- I found that
the more complex projects take at least two or three iterations before
the final design is satisfactory. So perhaps another tool to create a
copy of a particular project with an updated name/version number might
be handy as well (at the moment, gschem and PCB file names and
attributes must be changed manually at such an occasion).
Comments and ideas are welcome, as the existing scripts can no doubt be
Anyway, thanks again,
Best regards,
Richard Rasker
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