Mail Archives: geda-user/2015/10/13/09:25:18
gedau AT igor2 DOT repo DOT hu wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Oct 2015, Bert Timmerman (bert DOT timmerman AT xs4all DOT nl) [via
> geda-user AT delorie DOT com] wrote:
>> Running the long liner below
>> git log --format='%aN' | sort -u | while read name; do echo -en
>> "$name\t"; git log --author="$name" --pretty=tformat: --numstat | awk
>> '{ add += $1; subs += $2; loc += $1 - $2 } END { printf "added lines:
>> %s, removed lines: %s, total lines: %s\n", add, subs, loc }' -; done
>> |
>> sums it up nicely ;-) although
>> git shortlog -s -n
>> would have done too.
>> For me this is not about the quality or quantity of commits, lines
>> added or removed.
>> |
>> For me things revolve around stability, reliability.
>> Please do not misunderstand this for keeping a status quo, or a
>> code/feature freeze or regulating progress.
>> It's just that I'm not comfortable with the "revolution" model, where
>> the "evolution" model could give less turmoil and more stability for
>> the future.
>> It's the references to "the other parties" and similar addressing
>> that is bothering me, there was never a truly "us" in the
>> conversations stated from Markus his part, at least that's how I
>> received it.
>> I don't know exactly "who" denied "what" to "whom", and if it was a
>> "confirmed denial" or "not reacting" to a "driven" statement.
>> This one of those subjects where *everything* needs to be discussed
>> in the open, otherwise discussion over hidden agendas will flare up
>> in the future.
>> And we all should know what it *exactly* was, as to prevent this from
>> happening ever again.
>> And sadly, not everything is open for discussion in public, the
>> Personal Identfication Number of my bank account for one, or the
>> root password, or ...
>> I think you can come up with a scenario or two when vulnerable data
>> gets out in the open.
>> Give you a clue: one single gEDA administrator named ... <name of the
>> first person who grabs it> and all others administrators expelled.
>> Same for my bank account.
>> Now for the damage that has been done as I see it:
>> 1) At least two driven and known developers lost for gEDA, maybe one
>> of them turns around in a couple of years, or starts a fork to suit
>> his ambitions.
>> 2) A number of potential developers lost, probably scared off by this
>> "feud", to be unknown to us for ever.
>> 3) More care and energy needed in the future to embed new developers,
>> we do not want to walk this line again.
>> 4) Bad "reputation" for developers in the user base, more suspicion
>> of "hidden agendas" (I think there are none, but then again some
>> users have strong agendas too).
>> 5) ... you may find more damages if you think hard enough.
>> Resume: infights are *very* counter-productive.
>> Kind regards,
>> Bert Timmerman.
>> BTW: it takes two or more to have an infight.
>> BTW2: you can't infight yourself alone.
> It probably doesn't matter much, but I agree with most of these
> considerations. While privacy should be respected, as much as possible
> should be done in public. But please note: this alone doesn't solve
> the communication problem, we often have intentional
> misinterpretations and deaf conversations on the list. It may happen
> that we all see the same initial message but there will be two or more
> groups forming around different interpretations who then start big
> infights in which nobody convinces anybody else. But still better if
> everyone can read the original message than if the same thing happens
> about a hidden/assumed/implied message.
> Meanwhile I failed to follow where things progressed. I've read all
> mail on the list but either there was info shared on other medium or I
> failed to decode them all, so I'm a bit confused. What's the current
> status? Is gedahead active? Or did everyone/everything move back under
> the original admin team? Who are the two developers you refer to? Will
> the next code sprint happen with gedahead or the original infrastructure?
> Regards,
> Igor2
Hi Igor2,
The two developers who I referred to are PeterB and Markus, they both
left the original gEDA and pcb infrastructure on Launchpad (LP).
For other parts of the gEDA and/or pcb infrastructure on I can't tell, it's not visible to me, and I'm not
spending spare (coding) cycles on it to find out.
I don't know the status of gEDAhead on LP, maybe Marcus or one of the
members can give a heads up.
The next pcb monthly code sprint will be held on #geda at the announced
date and time frame, I will send a reminder to both lists soonish.
The objective will be dealing with bugs in the pcb.git repository as
shown on and the pcb bug tracker on LP
If someone wants to do do "shadow" bug hunting on gEDAhead on LP that is
fine with me, I'm not a member, so I can not update any status whatsoever.
The only thing I have done sofar is to make new gEDAhead bugs also
available for tracking in the pcb bug tracker.
Kind regards,
Bert Timmerman.
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