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On 10/05/2015 10:34 PM, gedau AT igor2 DOT repo DOT hu wrote: > Again, speaking as an user: it did improve a lot of things for me. After this summer I do have more than 5 features that I was > missing for years. Now they are there and I use them. Hi Igor2, What is it that made you say it is unlikely your pcb-rnd code will get back into the main pcb? Do you think your fork uses some changes to the code that are a total stop to the rest of us? I don't see pcb in its present state as much to hang onto before a rewrite. It might turn out that having pcb in a working state is good as a test vehicle for proving that a rewrite like SS's Peted is doing all the myriad details needed to still complete a pc board. And then once the testing is proved, stop adding to pcb and add to peted instead. All the backward compatibility needed can be handled by translators if the old PCB still works for old designs.
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