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> +1. John Doty has afterall pretty well demonstrated that his skin > is thick enough if you have something mean to say about him it can > go on a public list :) It's not about saying something mean, it's about saying something private. Like a home address or medical condition. A closed private mailing list in this case is no different than manally typing in a list of addresses, except it's a lot more convenient and reliable. Also, a common case of a private discussion in gcc-land is that the steering committee never discusses new maintainers in public. Privacy allows them to be candid amongs themselves, and prevents others from commenting when they shouldn't. After they discuss, they make a unified decision public. This is generally recognized as "the right way" as it ensures that the people who are empowered to make the decisions can make the decisions, and the people who are not empowered to do so cannot influence the results. (much like a jury trial, where the jurists discuss in private and announce a single result). And John's name is spelled "Doty" :-)
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