Mail Archives: geda-user/2015/08/02/14:39:33
Ok, so trying to abstract from these cases, there seem to be several types
of net attributes:
1. Net attributes applying to an entire net (e.g., "GND" as a whole).
These can be represented by attaching an attribute to any net segment.
- any examples?
2. Net attributes applying to a bottleneck (e.g., the part of "GND" in the
area of stepper driver 1, as opposed to the rest of "GND"). These could
in theory be represented by attaching an attribute to a net segment, too,
but then the affinity of visually unconnected net parts with the same
netname would be unclear. This is the case for which I suggested the "net
attribute directive" solution[0].
- trying to keep traces separate (power star pattern)
3. Net attributes applying to two entire nets.
- keeping two nets away by X distance
3. Net attributes applying to the part of a net connecting two sets of
pins (e.g., "between R5-2 and T1-2/4")
- keeping trace resistance below X ohms (by making them either shorter
or fatter)
- placing power decoupling caps near a pin
- min radius spec on a trace edge
- smoothness of board material, since the waveguide smoothness affects
how much mismatch there is and so reflections and in a short transmission
line in a system, standing wave patterns on the transmission line
(differential pair)
- definition and smoothness of the trace width so it does not have blips
or sharp edges
- thermal function: carry away the heat vs. conduct as little heat as
possible (maybe this should be a pin attribute?)
4. Net attributes applying to a pair of such parts of nets.
- minimizing signal run time differences
I doubt there is a consistent way to represent all of these in a
schematic. How do other EDA tools solve this problem? It wouldn't be
hard to allow the netlist backends access to attributes attached to a net,
but how would you specify which part of the "GND" net needs to be short,
or where the parts of the net should meet?
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