Mail Archives: geda-user/2015/07/15/16:28:49

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Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 23:28:28 +0300
From: "Vladimir Zhbanov (vzhbanov AT gmail DOT com) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" <geda-user AT delorie DOT com>
To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-user] Re: developer excitement?
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On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 10:50:14AM +0200, Richard Rasker (rasker AT linetec DOT nl) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com] wrote:
> I don't know if this is the right time for some small stuff with regard
> to gschem/PCB, but as I found a veritable mountain of new list messages
> after a few days' absence, I reckon this is as good a time as any.
> I haven't read through all the new messages yet, but I generally agree
> that gEDA/gschem/PCB is quite a mature project, leaving only very few
> things to be desired in my opinion. I use it on an almost weekly basis,
> and frankly, I wouldn't want anything else.
> The only issues that I can think of are some very minor things with
> regard to gschem's workflow:
> - When adding an attribute to an element, the 'Edit Attribute' dialog
> has 'Visible - Show name and value' selected by default. Now I don't
> know about other people's preferences, but I literally *never* want the
> attribute's Name to show. Yes, it's simply a matter of one extra mouse
> click to select 'Show value only' or untick the checkbox in the list
> window, but it's slightly annoying all the same. So perhaps the default
> selection could be 'Visible - Show value only'.
Please file a bug report on launchpad.

> - Copying already defined elements is how I place most elements. Until
> some time ago, the new copy was automatically selected, which I consider
> the desired behavior: with the attribute editing window open, I could
> change the new element's attributes right away.
> Now, however, the original element stays selected, and I have to
> explicitly click the copy to select it. Again no big deal, but slightly
> annoying as a small change can make for an even smoother workflow.

It's probably a chance to make an example of scripting in guile for

Put the following code into your gschemrc:

  (use-modules (geda page))
  (use-modules (gschem selection))
  (use-modules (gschem hook))

  (define copied-objects '())

  (define (get-copied-objects)

  (define (set-copied-objects! ls)
    (set! copied-objects ls))

  (define my-selection-hook (make-hook))

  (add-hook! my-selection-hook
    (lambda ()
      (for-each select-object! (get-copied-objects))))

  (add-hook! copy-objects-hook
    (lambda (ls)
        (for-each deselect-object! (page-selection (active-page)))
        (set-copied-objects! ls))))

  (add-hook! paste-objects-hook
    (lambda (ls)
      (run-hook my-selection-hook)))

or into, say, ~/.gEDA/myselection.scm
and put into gschemrc just
  (load "myselection.scm")

This code is for selecting only copied objects. If you want select all
pasted objects (even if you paste them using shortcut) it would even be

It works in gschem 1.9.1 with guile 2.0, but probably will work with
other combinations as well.

If anybody is interested how all this works, I could make clear some


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