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Date: | Sun, 12 Jul 2015 14:16:20 -0500 |
From: | John Griessen <john AT ecosensory DOT com> |
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To: | geda-user AT delorie DOT com |
Subject: | Re: developer excitement? was Re: [geda-user] gEDA/gschem still alive? |
References: | <CAM2RGhTpfbqM7zNn72TBOjeL7B7LPT1PxSEU3+9aDdChFrPFTg AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <alpine DOT DEB DOT 2 DOT 00 DOT 1507090507530 DOT 6924 AT igor2priv> <CAC4O8c_9mvUW6ub2EWCs2boucLdnzj5O_xCsaCNEaT17brLe0g AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <alpine DOT DEB DOT 2 DOT 00 DOT 1507091922140 DOT 6924 AT igor2priv> <CAC4O8c9jPo_wbpk2xnzGr6+Gdg0OFSBPyA-FYHjn_pE1PehZog AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <55A229D3 DOT 3080501 AT zoot DOT drehmel DOT com> <55A29426 DOT 8080908 AT xs4all DOT nl> <alpine DOT DEB DOT 2 DOT 11 DOT 1507122008480 DOT 4570 AT nimbus> <CAOP4iL2GjggOYaZK+zpmt2na50iH57bh=+mK5pHfj=kPjqvGcw AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> |
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Reply-To: | geda-user AT delorie DOT com |
On 07/12/2015 01:54 PM, Ouabache Designworks (z3qmtr45 AT gmail DOT com) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com] wrote: > If you could extract all of the gschem schematic code and move it into a separate module then any tool needing a graphics engine > would only have to figure out how to rewire that module for their own usage. When would this rewiring happen? In code? Compile time? Make files? Not sure I understand you. Do you mean redo the code parameters of the graphics part of gschem to handle other schematic-like uses? That might get more interest...unless GTK+ is "sooo passe" they won't abide it.
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