Mail Archives: geda-user/2015/05/29/13:51:36

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Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 19:51:11 +0200
From: "Bert Timmerman (bert DOT timmerman AT xs4all DOT nl)" <geda-user AT delorie DOT com>
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To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-user] PCB implementing slot attribute in a footprint
References: <1432916564 DOT 3024 DOT 451 DOT camel AT crowe DOT localdomain>
In-Reply-To: <1432916564.3024.451.camel@crowe.localdomain>
Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com

Mike Crowe (mcrowe AT gcdataconcepts DOT com) wrote:
> Hello All
> I've been using gEDA pcb for several years now have found it to be an
> excellent, stable, "meat and potatoes" tool for board layout.
> While there are several features I'd like to have implemented (keep out
> regions, blind and buried vias, footprints that allow generic traces,
> add pad flags 'start-round', 'stop-round'...) there is one feature that
> I'd really like to see.  The ability to put slot on a board as part of a
> footprint.  I'm interested in enough to volunteer time to help implement
> this.
> On the output NC-drill side, implementing it seems simple enough.  It
> would be a start point, a "G85" keyword and an end point.  There is some
> preliminary code support for viewing slots in gerbv (git version).
> At the footprint side, it seems to me that a new keyword identifier is
> in order, maybe "slot"  It would have to properties of a "pin" except
> that it would have a start and stop point.
> Then, of course, there's all that stuff in the middle.  Either a pin
> object would be extended to include a start/stop point, or a new object
> class would be created ( I know its "C", but the idea is the same
> regardless of the language ).
> I'm a relatively adept "C" programmer, and I think I'm up to the task.
> But before I dive in, I have a few questions.
> Is someone already working on a feature similar to this?
> If I generate a patch that works how do I go about getting this feature
> merged?
> Are there any roadmap developer docs that help lead the way through the
> code maze?
> In looking through the code, I see this "bison" stuff.  I unfamiliar
> with it.  What kinds of development tools are being used to implement
> this?
> Does the the above implementation approach make sense?
> Cheers
> Mike
Hi Mike and list members,

I think that "slot" properties resembles more to a "trace" than to a "pin".

Traces do have a start point, end point, copper clearance and width, and 
could give straight "line" slots and curved "arc" slots.

Maybe drawing slots on a separate layer as lines and arcs, and post 
processing the resulting gerber file for that hat layer (with awk or 
sed) can be a short term solution, YMMV.

I see more and more reasons for extending the pcb file format for long 
term solutions for the above mentioned features.

Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.

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