Mail Archives: geda-user/2013/06/16/20:05:44
On 06/16/2013 04:40 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Peter Clifton <pcjc2 AT cam DOT ac DOT uk> schrieb am 16. June 2013:
>> My most recent thoughts on 3D + PCB + CAD, was to offload to a separate
>> process, which is non GPL (e.g. GPL/LGPL + exception for Opencascade),
>> and use that process to convert "real" 3D cad files into a triangulated
>> (BOT) like format for easier consumption and rendering on screen.
> Inclusion of 3D handling and rendering in pcb would require huge
> efforts to get it right. Essentially, you'd start half a 3D mechanical
> CAD application from scratch. There is a reason why the open source
> world is not exactly abundant with 3D CAD. Why not refer this task to a
> separate, specialized application -- just like it is done with
> gerbv for viewing gerber files?
> My personal favourite for this is freecad --> See my other mail.
> ---<)kaimartin(>---
I'd go even farther... there really isn't much point in a 3D rendering
of a PCB by itself -- that is just eye candy for posting in your blog.
But... being able to import a model of an PCB into your mechanical
design as a part, now *that* has value. What I'm interested in is
getting the screw hols in the right place, making sure that the big
'lytic caps don't bonk into a rib or strut, and make sure that the heat
sinks actually *do* end up in the air flow.
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