Mail Archives: geda-user/2012/12/11/03:02:24

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To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-user] Translating SI notation to SPICE
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References: <20121116030224 DOT 5c7750ee AT akka> <201211160225 DOT qAG2PrVD005630 AT envy DOT delorie DOT com> <20121116035513 DOT 14519 DOT qmail AT stuge DOT se> <201211160357 DOT qAG3vUXo017504 AT envy DOT delorie DOT com> <20121116041216 DOT 16057 DOT qmail AT stuge DOT se> <201211160428 DOT qAG4Sh3h018631 AT envy DOT delorie DOT com> <llhhn9x25t DOT ln2 AT skate DOT rswarbrick> <k88cd4$3i2$1 AT ger DOT gmane DOT org> <20121117163351 DOT 14988 DOT qmail AT stuge DOT se> <5C6FC5CD-A358-476D-A8CA-C9AF2E72A914 AT noqsi DOT com> <20121117185520 DOT 25698 DOT qmail AT stuge DOT se> <E2A7C157-E0AB-437B-B8FD-1DA96C64AF39 AT noqsi DOT com> <k89b87$fip$1 AT ger DOT gmane DOT org> <B8C80ED4-E795-41D2-9D76-513A7D09666C AT noqsi DOT com> <k8bv02$1ca$1 AT ger DOT gmane DOT org> <9C626D0F-7D63-4FBE-8D63-37A2FFAD96FE AT noqsi DOT com> <CAM2RGhQXd_-f3AD2W0iNTvbUU0o8O727f0sR=vkEjC-zg0PmVw AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <71EA2CF8-8F64-4A51-B7C4-5F26EE8F4088 AT noqsi DOT com> <CAM2RGhR3tC52C8Jj9171a5xogwPy9PA_6DrOBF=F3742cbvAhg AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <CAM2RGhRPE5YpB4p6hBbZwUE-DF4vdMCn-UoZONe9bNPHX+FN-Q AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <D904E454-596B-4B02-82B6-0CA2EC854690 AT noqsi DOT com> <20121119145732 DOT 2B114813BDB3 AT tur> <E5ECF326-39B6-4325-B3C0-66EAD03186AE AT noqsi DOT com> <20121119182107 DOT 98F08813BDB7 AT turkos DOT aspodata DOT se> <4F02B9C0-5C7A-4C7B-A23C-C99285C4CFFB AT noqsi DOT com> <CAM2RGhT1dSepoZA=VN0oetb20PTitw1=UhvLyXtS=xmJz_kO3g AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <20121124171912 DOT D4F46813BDCB AT turkos DOT aspodata DOT se> <CAM2RGhTFb=WJOYq+cd426oeyFEGrZPQsn7f4mc1UowdSdabHYw AT mail DOT gmail DOT com> <CAM2RGhTyEC1i+OE1xWMm6hcLYO-hAEuETfe8T7z6Q5DJVK-uxw AT mail DOT gmail DOT com>
Comments: In-reply-to Evan Foss <evanfoss AT gmail DOT com>
message dated "Mon, 10 Dec 2012 20:03:47 -0500."
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Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 09:00:47 +0100 (CET)
From: karl AT aspodata DOT se (Karl Hammar)
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Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
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Evan Foss:
> For the over bar on things we have the \_ what if we declared \S to
> delineate the part of the attribute that is the scale? Alternatively
> we could go the mathcad route and put a multiplication sight between
> the scale and the units but I think that looks ugly.

Why not write it as an engineer/scientist would do it?
E.g. 10 Hz, 10Hz, 10 1/s, 15 A/V, 25 m/s2, 2e-4mmol, 3 km/ms, 3 V/As ...

It cannot be that hard to parse that, something like:

value : number dimension
dimension : tdimension | tdimension "/" tdimension
tdimension : "" | "1" | prefix unit | tdimension sep tdimension |
             tdimension exponent | "(" tdimension ")" exponent
sep : " " | "*"

/Karl Hammar

Aspö Data
Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
+46 173 140 57

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