Mail Archives: geda-user/2012/10/29/12:50:24

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Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 20:49:46 +0400
From: Vladimir Zhbanov <vzhbanov AT gmail DOT com>
To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-user] Can custom dialogs be created with guile?
Message-ID: <20121029164946.GA28209@localhost.localdomain>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
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On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 12:36:51AM +0200, Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:
> I guess no, but I have to ask.
I suspect you're right, there are only predefined dialogs. However...

> >From wiki and pcb.scm I find that there are a few types of predefined
> dialogs callable from guild already.
> I want to place a couple of entry boxes and an OK/Cancel button pair
> to send user input to a script which does the gory details.
> I could also be happy with one entry box repeatedly popping up called
> from inside a guile loop.

... However, there is a chance to use an external tool to make a
dialog, e.g. tcl or xdialog.

I have prepared a simple example files (see attachments). Put them into
any directory, cd into it and launch gschem. In gschem you need to hit
":" and enter the command
  (load "simple.scm")
You will see a new dialog. Try to enter any data into the entries and
see what's happening.  The scripts are apparently very rough, but they
could be a base to derive your work from. The log window will show you
feedback in the case of problems with the scripts.


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="simple.scm"

;; we need popen to work with pipes
(use-modules (ice-9 popen))
;; open pipe
(define port (open-input-pipe "./simple.tcl"))
;; read a string from port
(define str (read port))
;; close pipe
(close-pipe port)
;; test string
(gschem-msg str)

Content-Type: application/x-tcl
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="simple.tcl"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

#!/bin/sh=0A# I like Tcl!!!=0A#The next line executes wish - wherever it is=
\=0Aexec wish "$0" "$@"=0Aset ok ok=0Alabel .hello -text "Hello"=0Apack .he=
llo=0A=0Alabel .msg -font courierfont -wraplength 4i -justify left -text "A=
 simple form where you can type in the various entries and use tabs to move=
 circularly between the entries."=0Apack .msg -side top=0A=0Aframe .f1 -bd =
2=0Alabel .f1.label=0Aentry .f1.entry -relief sunken -width 40 -textvariabl=
e myname=0Apack .f1.entry -side right=0Apack .f1.label -side left=0A=0Afram=
e .f2 -bd 2=0Alabel .f2.label=0Aentry .f2.entry -relief sunken -width 40 -t=
extvariable myvalue=0Apack .f2.entry -side right=0Apack .f2.label -side lef=
t=0A=0A.f1.label config -text Name:=0A.f2.label config -text Value:=0Apack =
=2Emsg .f1 .f2 -side top -fill x=0Afocus .f1.entry=0A=0Aset quote {"}=0Afra=
me .buttons=0Apack .buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m=0Abutton .buttons=
=2Eadd -text "Add" -command "puts \$quote\$myname=3D\$myvalue\$quote; exit"=
=0Abutton .buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "exit"=0Apack
d .buttons.dismiss -side left -expand 1=0A

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