Mail Archives: geda-user/2012/06/05/22:11:51
Tim van Boxtel wrote:
> When I made my power polygon (component
> layer), the ground plane completely covers it up! I have tried several
> iterations of which gets drawn first, as well as "New Lines Fill
> Polygons" setting, and the Shift-J join command, but nothing comes out
> how I would like.
In PCB neither tracks nor polygons know anything about nets. Tracks
optionally carry a join flag. Polygons connect to every track that comes
along the way with the join flag set. Surprisingly, this minimalistic
approach works for most use common cases and a few exotic too.
The most important setting is "New lines/arcs clear polygons". It
should not be checked when you draw ground tracks. But it should be
checked when you draw tracks for everything else. This is the way to
go, when doing the design from scratch.
If things are already drawn but messed up, a different approach is
1) double check, that layers are defined properly. All layers which
correspond to the same physical layer should be in the same layer group.
That is, they should be checked in the same column in the
layer stack definition in file->preferences->layers-groups
2) Select all tracks and unset the join flag on each of their segments.
An efficient way to so is to select every object on the involved layers
and use the ClearFlag command on them.
a) Make all layers invisible except of those involved.
b) Do Select_all_visible from the Select menu
c) Type: : (a colon) to access the commad entry line
d) Type: ClearFlag(selected, join) execute the command with return.
3) Select all ground tracks and set the join flag on them. To do so,
open the dialog window->netlist mark the gnd net and click the select
button. Then use the command entry to execute
SetFlag(selected, join)
Polygons should immediately avoid all tracks except for ground tracks.
Hope, this helps,
Kai-Martin Knaak, Email: kmk AT familieknaak DOT de
Still unhappy with moderation of geda-user.
Why? Because it is completely intransparent.
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