Mail Archives: geda-help/2013/12/09/09:28:10

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From: karl AT aspodata DOT se
To: geda-help AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-help] adding footprints and symbols from CVS
In-reply-to: <1386568149.1786.671.camel@benjamin-hp>
References: <1386568149 DOT 1786 DOT 671 DOT camel AT benjamin-hp>
Comments: In-reply-to "Benjamin L. Naber" <benjamin AT project23d DOT com>
message dated "Mon, 09 Dec 2013 00:49:09 -0500."
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Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 15:27:41 +0100 (CET)
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Reply-To: geda-help AT delorie DOT com
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> I must be doing something wrong.
> I'm reading the instructions on the geda symbol website and it doesn't
> seem to be working.
> The files I'm downloading are going into the "CVSROOT" directory in my
> home directory.

Here is what I did (in a linux terminal):

$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous AT cvs DOT gedasymbols DOT org:/cvs/gedasymbols
$ cvs login
$ cd /Net/cvs/
$ mkdir 
$ cd
$ cvs co .

I.e. I put my stuff in /Net/cvs/

You say you have put your stuff in CVSROOT, so you have someting like:

$ ls www/user/
ales_hvezda         dj_delorie            oliver_lehmann
alexander_kurz      evgeni_dobrev         philip_withnall
amand_tihon         filip_dominec         phil_taylor
andreas_kemnade     horst_burkhardt       piotr_wiszowaty
andrew_mccubbin     index.cgi             purdea_andrei
andrew_vasilyev     jan_kasprzak          ramakrishnan_muthukrishnan
anton_dubniak       jean_marc_spaggiari   russell_dill
aristarkhov_alexej  john_doty             russell_nelson
arno_teigseth       john_griessen         sam_fladung
bdale_garbee        jose_roberto_colombo  sean_depagnier
ben_jackson         kai_martin_knaak      sean_mathews
bill_gatliff        karel_kulhavy         sergey_alyoshin
bob_paddock         levente_kovacs        stanislav_brabec
conrad_christel     maciej_pijanka        stefan_salewski
cory_cross          marc_moreau           stefan_tauner
csanyi_pal          marek_peca            stephen_trier
CVS                 mark_cianfaglione     thomas_oldbury
cyril_hrubis        mark_salyzyn          tobias_nadler
dan_mcmahill        max_christian_pohle   tomasz_nowak
darko_matijasevic   michael_sokolov       vanessa_ezekowitz
darrell_harmon      mike_crowe            werner_hoch
david_griffith      mitja_jez             wojtek_zabolotny
david_ludovino      newell_jensen
david_weber         nicholas_de_cicco

somewhere within that directory. I have thoose directories in 

> When adding them, per the instructions, geda PCB will only populate the
> names of the users, and not the symbols or foot prints.

I add them with a line of:

 (component-library-search "/Net/cvs/" "cvs")

in my  ~/.gEDA/gafrc
You need a gschem not older that 10-11 months (I think).

I have not tested any procedure for including footprints (for the 

/Karl Hammar

Aspö Data
Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
+46 173 140 57

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