Mail Archives: geda-help/2012/03/22/08:23:34

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Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 07:52:22 -0400
From: Joshua Lansford <Joshua DOT Lansford AT laserlinc DOT com>
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To: geda-help AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-help] Segfault in gnetlist
References: <CAHBDEvYK2DRe7fm4Xq+5H=c7--s_eLHds3qa-K0RUNxrS7ei1Q AT mail DOT gmail DOT com>
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Reply-To: geda-help AT delorie DOT com

Hi Tom,
   Was looking though the list and saw your request and it doesn't look 
like you have a response.
I haven't taken a detailed look at your schematic, but I have found that 
gnetlist will segfault whenever there is an empty property in the 
schematic or one of the symbols.  It made me panic the first time I hit 
it.  Now fixing the problem is routine.  This grep command like this 
should find it, and then you can remove it with vim or another text editor.
grep -n =\\s*$ *.sch

On 03/16/2012 08:54 PM, Thomas Oldbury wrote:
> Trying to load a schematic into xgsch2pcb results in a blank PCB file.
> Traced it down to a segfault here:
>  $ gnetlist -q -g gsch2pcb -o -m gnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm 
> power_main.sch
>  Segmentation fault
> I can delete a small section of my schematic and it goes away 
> (generally around the lower optocoupler area); however, if I replace 
> it and delete another section around the same area, it also goes away! 
> Also, it seems (although it may just be me) that deleting parts 
> individually doesn't work... you have to delete all at once?! This has 
> made trying to find an individually faulty part hard, so I think it's 
> probably some combination of factors that I'm unlucky enough to trip over.
> I have attached my schematic in case it helps, it uses a few custom 
> symbols but the bug should still show up.
> Is there a way for me to track down what part is causing the 
> problem... never had this before with gEDA.
> Thanks,
> Tom

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