Mail Archives: djgpp/2000/07/03/12:28:26
On Sat, 1 Jul 2000 16:24:07 -0500, "23yrold3yrold" <cbarry AT pangea DOT ca>
okay, I see a few problems here... first you're redrawing the entire
screen everytime (stated before I know)... that's a little sluggish...
second... you're setting your flags after you redraw... so if I
understand how this works right, you won't be getting input during
that time.
next... the input seems rather inefficient to me... this makes my
above point rather pointless... but I don't think someone's going to
be hitting more than one key in the interval of updating the screen...
at least they shouldn't be able to... so it might be better to use
allegro's other method of testing input get_key or whatever it is.
(been a while since I used allegro, I don't remember the name).
and irrelevently...
> if(key_left ==1)
> {dir = 4; if(sx > 0) {sx = sx - 5;} else {sx = 0;};};
is clearer as
if(key_left) {
dir = 4;
if(sx > 0)
sx -= 5;
sx = 0;
or if you want it to be in that more compact form...
if(key_left) {dir = 4; sx > 0 ? sx -= 5 : sx = 0;}
hope that's of some help.
oh, btw. you're going to want to make the that sx > 5 instead of sx >
0 in the line I changed... and likewise for the others... or else
you're going to have it going off the screen for one iterating
>My problem is that when I try to slow the game down, no prob, but it won't
>go faster past a certian point. I know graphics ain't quick, but at the
>speed this little program runs, it will crawl if I try making something even
>half as intense as the first level of any commercial shooter. If anyone can
>find a way of increasing the tick rates of the following program, I would
>greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
>#include <stdlib.h>
>#include <stdio.h>
>#include <allegro.h>
>volatile int game_time;
>void t_handler(void){
> game_time++;
>short int sx = 0, sy = 0, // for ship's co-ordinates
> key_left = 0, // *
> key_right = 0, // * These are for handling
> key_up = 0, // * ship's controls
> key_down = 0; // *
>BITMAP *dbl_buffer;
>RLE_SPRITE *ship;
>int main()
>set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0);
>install_int_ex(t_handler, MSEC_TO_TIMER(5));
>ship = get_rle_sprite(load_bmp("Ship.bmp", pal));
>dbl_buffer = create_bitmap(640,480);
> game_time = 0;
> clear(dbl_buffer);
> draw_rle_sprite(dbl_buffer, ship, sx, sy);
> blit(dbl_buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480);
> key_left = 0;
> key_right = 0;
> key_up = 0;
> key_down = 0;
> do
> if(key[KEY_LEFT]) {key_left = 1;};
> if(key[KEY_RIGHT]){key_right = 1;};
> if(key[KEY_UP]) {key_up = 1;};
> if(key[KEY_DOWN]) {key_down = 1;};
> } while(game_time<10);
> if(key_left ==1)
> {dir = 4; if(sx > 0) {sx = sx - 5;} else {sx = 0;};};
> if(key_right==1)
> {dir = 6; if(sx < 550) {sx = sx + 5;} else {sx = 550;};};
> if(key_up ==1)
> {dir = 8; if(sy > 0) {sy = sy - 5;} else {sy = 0;};};
> if(key_down ==1)
> {dir = 2; if(sy < 365) {sy = sy + 5;} else {sy = 365;};};
>} while(!key[KEY_ESC]);
> set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0);
> destroy_rle_sprite(ship);
> destroy_bitmap(dbl_buffer);
> return 0;
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