Mail Archives: djgpp/2000/06/09/12:36:06

Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 08:05:01 +0600 (LKT)
From: Kalum Somaratna aka Grendel <kalum AT lintux DOT cx>
X-Sender: kalum AT roadrunner DOT grendel DOT net
To: krogg AT gtcom DOT net
cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: HELP...Gprof tore something up!
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Krogg wrote:

> I never tried using the profiler b4 and wanted to see
> what it did.....SO i took an loaded up a small Allegro
> program in rhide and changed my compiler options from 
> -s -O2 to -O2 -pg and hit F9......


> ran the program for a little while and  
> gprof'd it...Well that was cool,I was
> supprised that the function expected to
> be the hog was far shadowed by another...

A normal experience, generally the functions that we expect to be the hog
aren't really the ones, hence the improtance of running a profiler...

> then i changed my switches back,only i 
> used an uppercase -S....i got an error

Because -S (note capital) causes the output of assembly code.

> and changed that back to -s....recompiled
> the program and when i ran it,it was slow....
> It took longer than normal to load and there
> was a noticible framrate hit.....hmmm....

That is probably because you still have the -pg options in the compiler
options, please remove it.

The -pg causes profiling code to be included in the executable which
results in a noticible performance please remove it...

> I restarted my box,and tried again....Every
> Djgpp/allegro program i have made runs slower
> now.....I am not recompiling them,just running
> them...I dont understand how they could have
> been affected......

This is strange, you said that you are not recompiling them..?? I am a bit
lost here...becaue the -pg switch should have no effect unlesss the
program is recompiled...excuse me for suggesting but are you *sure* about

one other thing I can think of is that you should check the BIOS and see
wether the CPU frequency is set to the normal value...once a unruly
program did that to my friends box and the cpu dropped from 500 MHZ to 450

PS: Did you get infected by a virus by any chance..??


Hi, I'm a signature virus. plz set me as your signature and help me spread

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