Mail Archives: djgpp/2000/04/05/23:02:47

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From: Andrew Hakman <hakmana AT hotmail DOT com>
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Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: MICROSOFT has Bought Over Linus Torvalds!!
References: <kfsmesgbbp4pbg79r5o8ufe4scckth3om2 AT 4ax DOT com> <00040515484001 DOT 06764 AT sparky DOT lineo DOT com>
Lines: 41
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 02:33:57 GMT
X-Trace: 954988437 (Wed, 05 Apr 2000 21:33:57 CDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 21:33:57 CDT
Organization: MBnet Networking Inc.
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

> >Windows 95 is a massive pain to install... (almost harder + trickier than Linux)
> When I >installed, for some strange reason, it didn't install CD-Rom drivers, and
> so when it 'boots >windows for the first time' and is trying to install all of
> these drivers, my CDROM doesn't >work, and I can't install anything. Also, if you
> have a 350 mhz processor or faster, windows >wont boot at all until you update
> some files. Windows 98 was just a pain to install. I had    >it crashing for odd
> reasons, on 1 of 4 machines. This was really great. I'm not sure of >windows 2000,
> never used it before

> I have seen this happen many times, but only on certainn systems (I haven't yet
> figured out what exactly causes it). The only way I can figure out how to get
> around it is to have your CD Rom drivers on your preformated hard drive, then
> between restarts in the install (new question: why do you have to restart like 3
> times for win98 setup?) press F8 and keep checking the autoexec.bat and config.sys
> to make sure "windows setup" hasn't REMed those lines.

As for win2000, I have the Beta 2195 (isn't that the same build as the actual
release?) and it is a lot more stable than 9x, but some peculiar things happen - vb6
runs incorrectly and shuts itself down in ONE ACCOUNT ONLY, MINE, log in as
administrator, or admin (for my Netware Server), or my dad's account - it doesn't
matter what permissions the account has, VB will work, except in mine. When programs
crash (like the above mentioned Visual Basic), they seem to go down a little more
graceful, and a restart isn't ncecessary at all. Usually just running the program
again (or logging into another account) and it will run just fine.


> >I don't know what BSOD means.

That would be the infamous Blue Screen Of Death - easiest way to get one - on a
win9x (problem doesn't occur in any version of NT) using a web browser (hopefully
Netscape) surf to file://c:\con\con\con

Sorry if the formatting of this is very weird - just upgraded to Netscape 4.72, and
seem to have to restart now.

Andrew Hakman

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