Mail Archives: djgpp/2000/02/10/11:13:29

Message-Id: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 15:15:41 +0100
From: Jean <technica AT wirehub DOT nl>
To: "djgpp AT delorie DOT com" <djgpp AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: DJGPP V2.03 versus V2.01
Organization: Vimana BV
X-mailer: FoxMail 2.0 beta 1 [en]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

Hello Mister Delorie

W've used you're compiler the last 2 years on a major project and are very happy with it.

But ( as always )

We tryed to upgrade from 2.01 to 2.03 and had 2 problems:

1.I remade all my library's, and compiled our program, and got a linker error:
  multiple define npxsetup.o from libc.a and libwmemu.a
  I looked at the FAQ and saw a note to recompile wmemu21b with the new djgpp.
  I did that but I still get the error message 'multiple define'.
  I don't understand the problem since you're suppost to be able to overload function's
  from lib's !? So  what should I do ?

2. The program is 10 % bigger than with V2.01 ( same flags , yes -s flag to ).
 Compiled with V2.01 its 1253 KB
 Compiled with V2.03 its 1381 KB
 I checked the object files and they where all 10 % bigger, so it's an overall increase

 For us that doesn't work since it doesn't fit into flash anymore

So were back to V2.01 I'm sorry to say, but w've taken the liberty of getting the new
malloc.c of V2.03 and compiled it in our project, witch seems to work, and rewards us
with 1MB ( of 8MB ) more memory than the previous version that wasted a lot due
to the 2^n chunks ( try 300 * 5000 bytes, you loose 1 M ) . I only hope the V2.03 malloc
doesn't have a problem with older lib function's ( ctr0 , sbrk etc. ).

That's it, I hope next version 2.04 will produce a smaller program for a change.
( flash memory is still expensive ).

Greeting form the Netherlands,

Jean Custers. ( no, no family of the General )

Vimana BV
Alexander Battalaan 53b
6221CB Maastricht
The Netherlands
tel.: +31433219499
fax : +31433258149

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