Mail Archives: djgpp/2000/01/26/17:23:43

From: axlq AT unicorn DOT us DOT com (axlq.comp.os.msdos.djgpp)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Adventures Compiling RHIDE on FreeBSD
Date: 26 Jan 2000 19:41:00 GMT
Organization: a2i network
Lines: 83
Message-ID: <86nikc$dqr$>
NNTP-Posting-User: unicorn
X-Newsreader: trn 4.0-test70 (17 January 1999)
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

After a bout of frustration with gdb (having to step through too
many iterations of a long loop and examine variables each time) I
decided to find out if I could compile that wonderful RHIDE under
FreeBSD.  My service provider ( gives everybody shell
accounts in both SunOS4 and FreeBSD, which I use for development
work.  The FreeBSD side has the GNU C++ stuff installed, and the
FreeBSD servers are faster, so that's what I (and most other
customers) are using more and more.

I have longed for something like RHIDE in FreeBSD.  I develop my
software on my DOS box with RHIDE and then port it to the FreeBSD
server.  Often, software that works perfectly under DOS will fail
to work in some mysterious way on another OS, even using the same
compiler.  And for some applications gdb simply isn't adequate, nice
as it is.

So... my porting attempt failed.  I have sent the following to
Robert Hoehne, but thought that anybody wanting to attempt it might
benefit from the expierience.  Here, then, in the order things
happened up to the point where I got stuck....

After downloading the latest linux source (1.4.7), I unpack it, type
'make' at the command prompt and discover:

1.  The gcc option -fno-exceptions (in the *.mak files) doesn't
seem to exist in the FreeBSD version of gcc.  I suggest moving this
flag into the RHIDE_OS variable.  I deleted that flag from the
.mak files for now (libide/libide.mak, libide/names/names.mak, and
libide/streams/streams.mak).  Continuing with 'make' I find....

2. tvision/include/intl.h tries to include a file called <libintl.h>
which doesn't exist.  I don't know what this is; it isn't in
your rhide directory tree, nor in djgpp under DOS.  Can you tell
me what's in here that's important?  Does it possibly contain a
prototype to gettext()?  I notice that gettext() isn't prototyped
anywhere that I can see, which results in some compiler warnings
later.  In any case, gettext() isn't a library function under
FreeBSD.  Is it your own function?

OK... I commented out the #include <libintl.h> in
tvision/include/intl.h for now.  I execute the 'make' command again,
and a whole bunch of modules compile until...

3.  The -Werrer gcc option causes make to abort on libide/
Here's a small sample of the errors: warning: implicit declaration of function `int gettext(...)'
[where is this prototyped?] warning: passing `int' to argument 1 of `ValidInputBox(const char *, const char *, char *, int, TValidator *)' lacks a cast
[and lots more warnings about this function call in other places] warning: passing `int' to argument 2 of `strcpy(char *, const ch
ar *)' lacks a cast warning: passing `int' to argument 2 of `strcat(char *, const char *)' lacks a cast

All right.  Let me remove the -Werror option for now.  I removed it
from libide/libide.mak.  I type 'make' again, several more modules
compile without warnings (except for, until...

4.  In libide/, we have two of the following errors (not
warnings): too many arguments for function `short unsigned int messageBox(const char *, short unsigned int)'

I notice that tvision/include/msgbox.h has two prototypes for
messageBox(), and there are two versions of this function in
tvision/  I am unsure what to do about this.  The compiler
should handle such function overloading.  OK, to get around this
I changed the name of the messageBox() function with variable
arguments to messageBoxv().  I type 'make' again and all those
modules that call it now compile just fine.

5.  However, I finally got stuck. libhrgdb/librhgdb.mak has a
dependency on libgdb/libgdb.h which doesn't exist in the linux
source archive.


 ,|___    Alex Matulich -- axlq AT unicorn DOT us DOT com   (spamtrap; reply with 
// +__>   Director of Research and Development    valid usenet headers)
//  \ 
//___)    Unicorn Research Corporation --

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