Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/11/30/08:14:34

Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:59:21 +0200 (WET)
From: Andris Pavenis <pavenis AT lanet DOT lv>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Problems with DJGPP lib and grx23
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As I already said I didn't met problems with _GR_shift_scanline()
and gcc-2.95.X yet.

For comparission I'm posting disassembler listing from my 
copy of libgrx20.a (for shiftscl.c only changes there are removal of
%ecx from cloberlist). Timestamp of this library (September 30th)
shows that it's almost sure I used gcc-2.95.1 there. Also compiled
it with gcc-2.95.2 now and there is no difference.


shiftscl.o:     file format coff-go32

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__GR_shift_scanline>:
   0:	83 ec 1c       	subl   $0x1c,%esp
   3:	55             	pushl  %ebp
   4:	57             	pushl  %edi
   5:	56             	pushl  %esi
   6:	53             	pushl  %ebx
   7:	8b 74 24 3c    	movl   0x3c(%esp,1),%esi
   b:	8b 54 24 40    	movl   0x40(%esp,1),%edx
   f:	85 f6          	testl  %esi,%esi
  11:	7f 6d          	jg     80 <__GR_shift_scanline+0x80>
  13:	f7 de          	negl   %esi
  15:	85 d2          	testl  %edx,%edx
  17:	0f 8e b8 00 00 	jle    d5 <__GR_shift_scanline+0xd5>
  1c:	00 
  1d:	89 54 24 14    	movl   %edx,0x14(%esp,1)
  21:	8b 44 24 38    	movl   0x38(%esp,1),%eax
  25:	8b 54 24 34    	movl   0x34(%esp,1),%edx
  29:	8b 4c 24 30    	movl   0x30(%esp,1),%ecx
  2d:	89 44 24 1c    	movl   %eax,0x1c(%esp,1)
  31:	89 c5          	movl   %eax,%ebp
  33:	8b 12          	movl   (%edx),%edx
  35:	01 54 24 1c    	addl   %edx,0x1c(%esp,1)
  39:	8b 5c 24 1c    	movl   0x1c(%esp,1),%ebx
  3d:	83 44 24 34 04 	addl   $0x4,0x34(%esp,1)
  42:	89 c2          	movl   %eax,%edx
  44:	03 11          	addl   (%ecx),%edx
  46:	83 c1 04       	addl   $0x4,%ecx
  49:	89 4c 24 30    	movl   %ecx,0x30(%esp,1)
  4d:	89 d7          	movl   %edx,%edi
  4f:	89 f1          	movl   %esi,%ecx
  51:	8a 2b          	movb   (%ebx),%ch
  53:	eb 0b          	jmp    60 <__GR_shift_scanline+0x60>
  55:	8d 74 26 00    	leal   0x0(%esi,1),%esi
  59:	8d bc 27 00 00 	leal   0x0(%edi,1),%edi
  5e:	00 00 
  60:	4b             	decl   %ebx
  61:	88 e8          	movb   %ch,%al
  63:	8a 23          	movb   (%ebx),%ah
  65:	88 e5          	movb   %ah,%ch
  67:	d3 e8          	shrl   %cl,%eax
  69:	88 07          	movb   %al,(%edi)
  6b:	4f             	decl   %edi
  6c:	4d             	decl   %ebp
  6d:	75 f1          	jne    60 <__GR_shift_scanline+0x60>
  6f:	d2 ed          	shrb   %cl,%ch
  71:	88 2f          	movb   %ch,(%edi)
  73:	ff 4c 24 14    	decl   0x14(%esp,1)
  77:	75 a8          	jne    21 <__GR_shift_scanline+0x21>
  79:	eb 5a          	jmp    d5 <__GR_shift_scanline+0xd5>
  7b:	90             	nop    
  7c:	8d 74 26 00    	leal   0x0(%esi,1),%esi
  80:	b8 08 00 00 00 	movl   $0x8,%eax
  85:	29 f0          	subl   %esi,%eax
  87:	89 c6          	movl   %eax,%esi
  89:	85 d2          	testl  %edx,%edx
  8b:	7e 48          	jle    d5 <__GR_shift_scanline+0xd5>
  8d:	89 54 24 14    	movl   %edx,0x14(%esp,1)
  91:	8b 44 24 34    	movl   0x34(%esp,1),%eax
  95:	8b 54 24 30    	movl   0x30(%esp,1),%edx
  99:	8b 7c 24 38    	movl   0x38(%esp,1),%edi
  9d:	89 f1          	movl   %esi,%ecx
  9f:	8b 00          	movl   (%eax),%eax
  a1:	89 44 24 1c    	movl   %eax,0x1c(%esp,1)
  a5:	83 44 24 34 04 	addl   $0x4,0x34(%esp,1)
  aa:	8b 12          	movl   (%edx),%edx
  ac:	89 54 24 10    	movl   %edx,0x10(%esp,1)
  b0:	83 44 24 30 04 	addl   $0x4,0x30(%esp,1)
  b5:	89 c3          	movl   %eax,%ebx
  b7:	8a 2b          	movb   (%ebx),%ch
  b9:	eb 05          	jmp    c0 <__GR_shift_scanline+0xc0>
  bb:	90             	nop    
  bc:	8d 74 26 00    	leal   0x0(%esi,1),%esi
  c0:	43             	incl   %ebx
  c1:	88 ec          	movb   %ch,%ah
  c3:	8a 03          	movb   (%ebx),%al
  c5:	88 c5          	movb   %al,%ch
  c7:	d3 e8          	shrl   %cl,%eax
  c9:	88 02          	movb   %al,(%edx)
  cb:	42             	incl   %edx
  cc:	4f             	decl   %edi
  cd:	75 f1          	jne    c0 <__GR_shift_scanline+0xc0>
  cf:	ff 4c 24 14    	decl   0x14(%esp,1)
  d3:	75 bc          	jne    91 <__GR_shift_scanline+0x91>
  d5:	5b             	popl   %ebx
  d6:	5e             	popl   %esi
  d7:	5f             	popl   %edi
  d8:	5d             	popl   %ebp
  d9:	83 c4 1c       	addl   $0x1c,%esp
  dc:	c3             	ret    
  dd:	8d 76 00       	leal   0x0(%esi),%esi

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