Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/11/26/14:00:05

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X-Sender: tony AT dictator DOT nt DOT tuwien DOT ac DOT at
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Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 18:35:13 +0100
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
From: Anton Helm <tony AT dictator DOT nt DOT tuwien DOT ac DOT at>
Subject: Re: Problems with DJGPP lib and grx23
In-Reply-To: <>
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Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
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At 07:40 PM 11/24/99 +0100, you wrote:
 >In article <4 DOT 2 DOT 0 DOT 58 DOT 19991124161000 DOT 00a11cb0 AT hal DOT nt DOT tuwien DOT ac DOT at> you wrote:
 >> At 01:00 PM 11/24/99 +0100, you wrote:
 >> Main problem with debugging is that this is a graphic application
 >> and the problem is related to displaying a mouse cursor.

 >E.g.: what happens if you use just that one .o module containing the
 >problematic assembly function from the existing, known-working 2.8.1
 >compilation of GRX, and all the rest from the 2.95 one. Just to make
 >sure it's really *this* function that actually causes the problem,
 >that is.

1) extracted the shiftscn.o from the 2.8.1 compiled library 
    and replaced it with the 2.95 compiled version. 
    -> crash (as expected)
2) replaced  shiftscn.o in the 2.95 compiled library with 
    the one extracted from the 2.8.1 compiled library.
    -> now the new library works (as expected)

disassembled the 2.8.1 compiled objectfile and tried to compare
it with the assembly code of the 2.95 compiled file.

Well, if you know what you are looking for, you probably find it. I don't.
Program crashes at _GR_shift_scanline+99 while running the first inline asm part.
This is somewhat mysterious as 99 is definitely out of this inline asm part.
(See the second asm file attached below.)
So the bug is probably related to embedding the inline asm into the rest.

 >It's hard, but manageable, if you have some 'trick hardware': you need
 >a secondary mono graphics card (a 'Hercules card', something which
 >went out of fashion at least 8 years ago :-) and a second, monochrome
 >screen attached to it, so you can run gdb on the mono screen, and the
 >graphical program on the other. If gdb doesn't want to work in that
 >configuration, try rhgdb, fsdb or, last chance, edebug32, the mother
 >of all DJGPP debuggers.

I have no 2nd video card.
I've tried fsdb and got a crash (of fsdb) when the program switched 
into graphic mode. So that doesn't help much.

Back to gdb ...
gdb (4.18) tells me (by stepi) that it is running the first inline asm part when
the crash happens (SIGSEGV).

Here are asm files, first the 2.8.1 compiled :

shiftscl.o:     file format coff-go32

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__GR_shift_scanline>:
    0:	83 ec 0c       	subl   $0xc,%esp
    3:	55             	pushl  %ebp
    4:	57             	pushl  %edi
    5:	56             	pushl  %esi
    6:	53             	pushl  %ebx
    7:	8b 6c 24 2c    	movl   0x2c(%esp,1),%ebp
    b:	85 ed          	testl  %ebp,%ebp
    d:	7f 75          	jg     84 <__GR_shift_scanline+84>
    f:	f7 dd          	negl   %ebp
   11:	c7 44 24 14 00 	movl   $0x0,0x14(%esp,1)
   16:	00 00 00 
   19:	8b 54 24 30    	movl   0x30(%esp,1),%edx
   1d:	39 54 24 14    	cmpl   %edx,0x14(%esp,1)
   21:	0f 8d c6 00 00 	jge    ed <__GR_shift_scanline+ed>
   26:	00 
   27:	90             	nop    
   28:	8b 5c 24 28    	movl   0x28(%esp,1),%ebx
   2c:	8b 4c 24 24    	movl   0x24(%esp,1),%ecx
   30:	03 19          	addl   (%ecx),%ebx
   32:	83 c1 04       	addl   $0x4,%ecx
   35:	89 4c 24 24    	movl   %ecx,0x24(%esp,1)
   39:	8b 7c 24 28    	movl   0x28(%esp,1),%edi
   3d:	8b 74 24 20    	movl   0x20(%esp,1),%esi
   41:	03 3e          	addl   (%esi),%edi
   43:	89 7c 24 10    	movl   %edi,0x10(%esp,1)
   47:	83 c6 04       	addl   $0x4,%esi
   4a:	89 74 24 20    	movl   %esi,0x20(%esp,1)
   4e:	89 de          	movl   %ebx,%esi
   50:	8b 54 24 28    	movl   0x28(%esp,1),%edx
   54:	89 e9          	movl   %ebp,%ecx
   56:	8a 2e          	movb   (%esi),%ch
   58:	eb 06          	jmp    60 <__GR_shift_scanline+60>
   5a:	8d b6 00 00 00 	leal   0x0(%esi),%esi
   5f:	00 
   60:	4e             	decl   %esi
   61:	88 e8          	movb   %ch,%al
   63:	8a 26          	movb   (%esi),%ah
   65:	88 e5          	movb   %ah,%ch
   67:	d3 e8          	shrl   %cl,%eax
   69:	88 07          	movb   %al,(%edi)
   6b:	4f             	decl   %edi
   6c:	4a             	decl   %edx
   6d:	75 f1          	jne    60 <__GR_shift_scanline+60>
   6f:	d2 ed          	shrb   %cl,%ch
   71:	88 2f          	movb   %ch,(%edi)
   73:	ff 44 24 14    	incl   0x14(%esp,1)
   77:	8b 4c 24 30    	movl   0x30(%esp,1),%ecx
   7b:	39 4c 24 14    	cmpl   %ecx,0x14(%esp,1)
   7f:	7c a7          	jl     28 <__GR_shift_scanline+28>
   81:	eb 6a          	jmp    ed <__GR_shift_scanline+ed>
   83:	90             	nop    
   84:	b8 08 00 00 00 	movl   $0x8,%eax
   89:	29 e8          	subl   %ebp,%eax
   8b:	89 c5          	movl   %eax,%ebp
   8d:	c7 44 24 14 00 	movl   $0x0,0x14(%esp,1)
   92:	00 00 00 
   95:	8b 74 24 30    	movl   0x30(%esp,1),%esi
   99:	39 74 24 14    	cmpl   %esi,0x14(%esp,1)
   9d:	7d 4e          	jnl    ed <__GR_shift_scanline+ed>
   9f:	90             	nop    
   a0:	8b 7c 24 24    	movl   0x24(%esp,1),%edi
   a4:	8b 1f          	movl   (%edi),%ebx
   a6:	83 c7 04       	addl   $0x4,%edi
   a9:	89 7c 24 24    	movl   %edi,0x24(%esp,1)
   ad:	8b 54 24 20    	movl   0x20(%esp,1),%edx
   b1:	8b 12          	movl   (%edx),%edx
   b3:	89 54 24 10    	movl   %edx,0x10(%esp,1)
   b7:	83 44 24 20 04 	addl   $0x4,0x20(%esp,1)
   bc:	89 de          	movl   %ebx,%esi
   be:	8b 7c 24 28    	movl   0x28(%esp,1),%edi
   c2:	89 e9          	movl   %ebp,%ecx
   c4:	8a 2e          	movb   (%esi),%ch
   c6:	eb 08          	jmp    d0 <__GR_shift_scanline+d0>
   c8:	90             	nop    
   c9:	8d b4 26 00 00 	leal   0x0(%esi,1),%esi
   ce:	00 00 
   d0:	46             	incl   %esi
   d1:	88 ec          	movb   %ch,%ah
   d3:	8a 06          	movb   (%esi),%al
   d5:	88 c5          	movb   %al,%ch
   d7:	d3 e8          	shrl   %cl,%eax
   d9:	88 02          	movb   %al,(%edx)
   db:	42             	incl   %edx
   dc:	4f             	decl   %edi
   dd:	75 f1          	jne    d0 <__GR_shift_scanline+d0>
   df:	ff 44 24 14    	incl   0x14(%esp,1)
   e3:	8b 54 24 30    	movl   0x30(%esp,1),%edx
   e7:	39 54 24 14    	cmpl   %edx,0x14(%esp,1)
   eb:	7c b3          	jl     a0 <__GR_shift_scanline+a0>
   ed:	5b             	popl   %ebx
   ee:	5e             	popl   %esi
   ef:	5f             	popl   %edi
   f0:	5d             	popl   %ebp
   f1:	83 c4 0c       	addl   $0xc,%esp
   f4:	c3             	ret    
   f5:	8d 76 00       	leal   0x0(%esi),%esi

And here is the new one (The patches mentioned earlier in this group
have been applied to the source first. Otherwise there would have been
no output at all):

shiftscl.o:     file format coff-go32

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__GR_shift_scanline>:
    0:	83 ec 1c       	subl   $0x1c,%esp
    3:	55             	pushl  %ebp
    4:	57             	pushl  %edi
    5:	56             	pushl  %esi
    6:	53             	pushl  %ebx
    7:	8b 7c 24 3c    	movl   0x3c(%esp,1),%edi
    b:	8b 54 24 40    	movl   0x40(%esp,1),%edx
    f:	85 ff          	testl  %edi,%edi
   11:	7f 6d          	jg     80 <L3>
   13:	f7 df          	negl   %edi
   15:	85 d2          	testl  %edx,%edx
   17:	0f 8e b8 00 00 	jle    d5 <L9>
   1c:	00 
   1d:	89 54 24 14    	movl   %edx,0x14(%esp,1)

00000021 <L7>:
   21:	8b 44 24 38    	movl   0x38(%esp,1),%eax
   25:	8b 54 24 34    	movl   0x34(%esp,1),%edx
   29:	8b 4c 24 30    	movl   0x30(%esp,1),%ecx
   2d:	89 44 24 10    	movl   %eax,0x10(%esp,1)
   31:	89 c5          	movl   %eax,%ebp
   33:	8b 12          	movl   (%edx),%edx
   35:	01 54 24 10    	addl   %edx,0x10(%esp,1)
   39:	8b 5c 24 10    	movl   0x10(%esp,1),%ebx
   3d:	83 44 24 34 04 	addl   $0x4,0x34(%esp,1)
   42:	89 c2          	movl   %eax,%edx
   44:	03 11          	addl   (%ecx),%edx
   46:	83 c1 04       	addl   $0x4,%ecx
   49:	89 4c 24 30    	movl   %ecx,0x30(%esp,1)
   4d:	89 d6          	movl   %edx,%esi
   4f:	89 f9          	movl   %edi,%ecx
   51:	8a 29          	movb   (%ecx),%ch
   53:	eb 0b          	jmp    60 <L7+3f>
   55:	8d 74 26 00    	leal   0x0(%esi,1),%esi
   59:	8d bc 27 00 00 	leal   0x0(%edi,1),%edi
   5e:	00 00 
   60:	49             	decl   %ecx
   61:	88 e8          	movb   %ch,%al
   63:	8a 21          	movb   (%ecx),%ah
   65:	88 e5          	movb   %ah,%ch
   67:	d3 e8          	shrl   %cl,%eax
   69:	88 03          	movb   %al,(%ebx)
   6b:	4b             	decl   %ebx
   6c:	4e             	decl   %esi
   6d:	75 f1          	jne    60 <L7+3f>
   6f:	d2 ed          	shrb   %cl,%ch
   71:	88 2b          	movb   %ch,(%ebx)
   73:	ff 4c 24 14    	decl   0x14(%esp,1)
   77:	75 a8          	jne    21 <L7>
   79:	eb 5a          	jmp    d5 <L9>
   7b:	90             	nop    
   7c:	8d 74 26 00    	leal   0x0(%esi,1),%esi

00000080 <L3>:
   80:	b8 08 00 00 00 	movl   $0x8,%eax
   85:	29 f8          	subl   %edi,%eax
   87:	89 c7          	movl   %eax,%edi
   89:	85 d2          	testl  %edx,%edx
   8b:	7e 48          	jle    d5 <L9>
   8d:	89 54 24 14    	movl   %edx,0x14(%esp,1)

00000091 <L13>:
   91:	8b 44 24 34    	movl   0x34(%esp,1),%eax
   95:	8b 4c 24 30    	movl   0x30(%esp,1),%ecx
   99:	8b 6c 24 38    	movl   0x38(%esp,1),%ebp
   9d:	8b 00          	movl   (%eax),%eax
   9f:	89 44 24 10    	movl   %eax,0x10(%esp,1)
   a3:	83 44 24 34 04 	addl   $0x4,0x34(%esp,1)
   a8:	8b 11          	movl   (%ecx),%edx
   aa:	83 c1 04       	addl   $0x4,%ecx
   ad:	89 4c 24 30    	movl   %ecx,0x30(%esp,1)
   b1:	89 c3          	movl   %eax,%ebx
   b3:	89 d6          	movl   %edx,%esi
   b5:	89 f9          	movl   %edi,%ecx
   b7:	8a 29          	movb   (%ecx),%ch
   b9:	eb 05          	jmp    c0 <L13+2f>
   bb:	90             	nop    
   bc:	8d 74 26 00    	leal   0x0(%esi,1),%esi
   c0:	41             	incl   %ecx
   c1:	88 ec          	movb   %ch,%ah
   c3:	8a 01          	movb   (%ecx),%al
   c5:	88 c5          	movb   %al,%ch
   c7:	d3 e8          	shrl   %cl,%eax
   c9:	88 03          	movb   %al,(%ebx)
   cb:	43             	incl   %ebx
   cc:	4e             	decl   %esi
   cd:	75 f1          	jne    c0 <L13+2f>
   cf:	ff 4c 24 14    	decl   0x14(%esp,1)
   d3:	75 bc          	jne    91 <L13>

000000d5 <L9>:
   d5:	5b             	popl   %ebx
   d6:	5e             	popl   %esi
   d7:	5f             	popl   %edi
   d8:	5d             	popl   %ebp
   d9:	83 c4 1c       	addl   $0x1c,%esp
   dc:	c3             	ret    

000000dd <.ef>:
   dd:	8d 76 00       	leal   0x0(%esi),%esi

Sorry for this huge mail.


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