Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/11/21/20:14:12

Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 02:08:33 +0200
From: Marius Myburg <iti06469 AT mweb DOT co DOT za>
Subject: Re: fprintf() and using under graphic modes
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Message-id: <>
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X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail 4.70.1154
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Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

If you really want to do things yourself from the bottom up, then you can
access the ROM character set directly.

char *rom_char_set = (char *)0xffa6e;

This is the start of the character set.  Treat it exactly like a memory
bitmap.  Each character is 8 bits wide and 8(?) bits high.

Wise man:  "Behind blind eyes, there lies great vision!"
Pupil       :  "What does that mean, master?"
Wise man:  "Nothing, I just like the sound of it!"

> From: Chaos <chengin AT alpha DOT net DOT pl>
> To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
> Subject: fprintf() and using under graphic modes
> Date: Sunday, November 21, 1999 12:17 AM
> Hi
> I've been recently writing 2D video game. Nothing really big, but for my
> pleasure.
> VESA is used prtty much in my code, so I was wondering if there is easy
> fast!) method to print
> some text message on the LFB or VRAM (using bank switching). My first
> thought was to make it with fprintf() and other *printf functions.
> I was surpprised, that fprintf put a very nice text prompt in
> mode (0x101).
> Now i'm wondering if I can do it safelly. Can I stick with printing text
> messages such as timer or player name using only printf-familly
> Are there any limitations in using those functions in graphics modes? I
> suspect they are only text modes functions.
> And what about erasing buffer (text buffer) in graphics modes. I know
> i sends strings to stdout but, could this
> mess my VRAM in graphic mode?
> Secondly.
> Is ther a limit how much memory can I use in the following example:
> __dpmi_set_segment_limit(VideSelector,XXXXXXX);
> I'm using that in Linear_Frame_Buffer allocating routine. Experimentally
> figured out that reasonable amount (of XXXXXX) is 1024*1024. My machine
> MB RAM) didn't let me "take" more. And what if I will have to allocate
> more memory for true_color_high_resolution prog? Is ther a way to go
> it?
> --
> Take care.
> -=| Chaos |=-
> e-mail:  chengin AT alpha DOT net DOT pl
>               chengin AT polbox DOT com
> _______________________________________________
> The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four people is
> suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best
> friends. If they are okay, then it's you.
> _______________________________________________

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