Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/08/01/15:03:57
TuffGuy AT work DOT com wrote:
> This is a copy of a email I sent to brennan:
> >start
> Hi. I first want to say thanks for the nice site on djgpp. My summer
> classes are almost finished and I really want to get started in game
> programming. I really am not sure where to start but after ready your
> page I thought I'd give djgpp a try. I have had all the c classes at
> my college but I am not sure I have learned enough. I guess I just
> have to get my hands dirty. I am not an idiot but the installation did
> not go 100%(or rhide setup anyway). Everything was unzipped properly,
> but I am having a few errors. At first on compile(doing tutorials), I
> was getting linking errors to headers and library files. The
> manual(rhide) says the default settings are supposed to point to the
> default dirs(I assume ../include;../lib). But I had to set these
> manually and saved them to ../bin/rhide.grp(instruction in manual).
> This fixed all the compile errors, but when I try to run "make" I get
> an error that ld.exe can't find "crt0.o". I see the file in the ../lib
> dir, and I set the objects dir to ../lib, but it still cant find it. I
> realize that this stuff is all freeware, but man it took alot of
> reading to get things going. Basically can you give me any advice on
> the following:
> 1. Suggestions on setup stuff you think are important.
Did you read README.1ST? The errors you talk about are, 99% of the
time, caused by not having one's environment variables set correctly.
README.1ST explains how to do this.
Also, if you have Windows 9x and unzipped the files with WinZip or
another long file name-aware unzipper, be sure to put `SET LFN=Y' in
> I am dl'ing allegro as I write this post, but I am not sure exactly
> what is does yet(if it will replace rhide). I am looking for anyones
> advice on things I should do/get inorder to make my learning process
> as painless as possible. Thanks.
Allegro is completely different from RHIDE. It's a library intended for
writing games, and contains routines for graphics, sound, keyboard,
mouse, a simple GUI, etc. It is very nice, though, if you'll be doing
any of that.
Nate Eldredge
nate AT cartsys DOT com
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