Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/05/28/19:30:53

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To: Joseph Schroeder <zack AT acmepet DOT com>, djgpp AT delorie DOT com
From: Nate Eldredge <nate AT cartsys DOT com>
Subject: Re: Error, and more...
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 16:25:51 -0700
Message-ID: <>

At 04:34  5/28/1998 -0400, Joseph Schroeder wrote:
>  I have several questions for you all... That I cannot figure out how to
>slove or do.  First,  can allegro display gifs or animated gifs?

AFAIK, no. You'll have to convert them into some other format manually. I
think there may be some code somewhere that will, but I don't know where.

>Second, when i put in c++ commands... I try to actually make the .o file
>into an .exe, it gives me a bunch of errors, and it cant find a library
>called stdcx
>full error |
>           v
>Error: c:/djgpp/bin/ld.exe: cannot open -lstdcx: No such file or directory

Is this from RHIDE? If so, you need to add this line to

Create the file if it doesn't exist.

>Third, When i use the code for displaying a BMP file...  (
> BITMAP *bmp;
> RGB pal[256];
> allegro_init();
> set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT,800,600,0,0);
> bmp=load_bitmap(filename,pal);
> blit(bmp,screen,0,0,0,0,bmp->w,bmp->h);
>)  ... It seems that i can only display one bitmap to the screen at a
>time... could i change that? 

Sure, just blit the next one to some other position. See the Allegro docs on

> And... could I make it so all you would do is
>set a varible, perhaps named image and set it to a specific bmp name, so
>that you would only have to make it goto a sub with a variable set to
>display a bitmap.  

Yes, that's a general C question. Try comp.lang.c for that.

>Fourth, Are there any other good libraries like allegro out there?  Ive
>tried a couple... but I have never gotten them in correctly... 

IMHO, Allegro is the best at what it does. There's also GRX, which is solely
a graphics library, and lacks the game-related features of Allegro. As far
as I know, it is less optimized for speed and such, though it does provide
more graphics modes (especially for < 256 colors), and is portable to Unix/X
Windows and Linux/svgalib.

Nate Eldredge
nate AT cartsys DOT com

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