Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/04/22/05:57:12

Sender: vheyndri AT rug DOT ac DOT be
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 11:50:09 +0200
From: Vik Heyndrickx <Vik DOT Heyndrickx AT rug DOT ac DOT be>
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Cc: Andris Pavenis <pavenis AT lanet DOT lv>
Subject: Getting a good PID, a test program

Hi there,

As you might have encountered yourself while compiling from 2 different
DOS boxes with the DJGPP GNU C compiler up to the first alpha release of
version 2.8.1, the two processes tend to disturb each other while
creating temporary files. In an attempt to solve this problem by using a
temporary filename based upon a good PID (program identification code),
I have written a very small PID testing program and I've tried to run it
already on a couple of DJGPP capable systems. However, in order to
establish a fully reliable procedure I need help to test it on a couple
more systems. 
Note that it is not sure that this code effectively will end up in the
next compiler release, however, Andris, I'll do my best :)

If you have any OS DIFFERENT from the first list below, please contact
me and I will email you the test program (a zip file of 2041 bytes). The
testing procedure is really simple:
- open two DOS boxes
- run getpid.exe TWICE in the first DOS box
- run getpid.exe once in the second DOS box
- write the three 9-digit values that have been printed to the screen
down carefully
- email me the results (don't forget to specify what OS and VERSION you
are using) including odd behaviour you might encounter.

Already, the PID code is known to work correctly under:
- Windows 3.1+
- Windows 95
- DOS 3.0+ (including any non-multitasking flavor of DOS)

Unknown are:
- Windows 2.0+
- Windows NT all versions
- OS/2 all versions
- Caldera Dr. DOS (aka OpenDOS)
- ...

Thanks for your help in advance.

 \ Vik /-_-_-_-_-_-_/
  \___/ Heyndrickx /  Knight in the Order of the Unsigned Types
   \ /-_-_-_-_-_-_/

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