Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/03/12/19:32:55

From: gautam AT interlog DOT com (Gautam N. Lad / Vimal N. Lad)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Survey of Free GNU Windows Compilers
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 98 00:10:46 GMT
Organization: InterLog Internet Services
Lines: 50
Message-ID: <6e9t54$sii$>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

WARNING: Message is (slightly) off-topic!

Some of you may have noticed my numerous messages regarding the perfect free 
Win32 compiler.   Here is what I reviewed (I've also tried to use latest versions)

RSXNTDJ - Very good with nice IDE and all, but it doesn't support all the 
Common Controls (i.e. TreeViews, Up-down controls, etc.).  AFAIK, the author 
has discontinued development of RSXNTDJ.  It works with (and relies on) 
DJGPP v2.7.2.1, but not sure of DJGPP v2.8.1 (latest release).

RSXNT - The author has dropped RSXNTDJ to work on this compiler.  It has 
same good features as RSNXNTDJ (IDE, etc.), and same draw-backs (not many 
common controls support).

LCC-Win32 - This is my compiler of choice now.  It has a terrific dialog editor, 
and an excellent IDE (not very fond of the editor though - I use PFE instead).  
It's totally amazing, supporting common controls et al, but it has no C++ 
support!  And the author has no intentions of implementing C++; 

Mingw32 - Can't say much.  Downloaded most of the files, un-zipped them 
(my PKZIP couldn't handle long filenames, but I managed to use WinZIP).
Couldn't set-up up the compiler, right away, so I have given up on it.

Cygnus - Since Mingw32 is based on it, I haven't tried this yet.

As you can see, each has its strengths and drawbacks, and I pretty much got 
what I payed for.  I liked these, but couldn't use it in the long run due to missing 
features (mainly C++, and the common controls as in some compilers above).  

So for now, I have been sticking to LCC; I can manage with C for now, but I 
imagine it will get really tedious in the future.

So, any comments?  Suggestions?  I cannot afford (right now) to buy a compiler, 
considering I am only making my windows program out of hobby, and I am only 
interested in FREE(WARE) software.


Gautam N. Lad
E-Mail:   gautam AT interlog DOT com

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