Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/03/02/21:06:04

Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 18:05:37 -0800 (PST)
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: "floyd hames" <fhames AT hotmail DOT com>, djgpp AT delorie DOT com
From: Nate Eldredge <eldredge AT ap DOT net>
Subject: Re: DJGPP inline assembly instructions LDS and LES

At 11:44  3/2/1998 PST, floyd hames wrote:
>I have been trying to use the instructions LDS and LES in an inline 
>assembly portion of a C program, but I keep getting errors that say that 
>these particular commands aren't available in the djgpp instruction set.  
>What gives?

Remember the AT&T conventions of the operand-size suffix and the `src, dest'
ordering. This works:

ldsl farptr, %edi

assuming `farptr' is the address of the far pointer.
>Also, being more familiar with TASM, I haven't used the AT&T sytax of 
>assembly much.  I found Brennan's page useful, but what I really need is 
>a list of most of the instruction set for assembly, and particular 
>examples.  Does anyone know about such a website that can help me?

Sorry, I don't. 

The instructions are all the same ones TASM has, just written differently,
so you shouldn't need it. If you mean you know 8088 assembly and want to
learn 386, I don't know of any online references, but I'm sure they exist.
(Rumor has it NASM has an instruction reference...)

Nate Eldredge
eldredge AT ap DOT net

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