Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/12/17/15:30:12

Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 14:27:07 -0600 (CST)
Subject: oops
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Message-id: <01IRA7QEKAWYBL35BJ@SLU.EDU>
Organization: SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY St. Louis, MO
MIME-version: 1.0

    I reported the results of running cwsparam at a DOS prompt under
Windows95.  Running it in "plain" DOS gives the same thing and my
question remains how should I set those variables to get 128mb physical
RAM + 128mb virtual RAM when running in "plain" DOS.
     I also said what go32-v2 has to say.  I now see that what is says
when running in "plain" DOS is different; namely
          DPMI memory available 33035 Kb
          DPMI swap space available 130389 Kb
     Reminder:  my machine is a 200mhz pentium pro with 128mb of RAM and
1GB of hard drive space available.  When running in "plain" DOS are still
other variables I need to know how to set?
                Since you have told me that the only way I am going to get
128 physical + 128 virtual RAM is to run in "plain" DOS, let's forget
Windows95--I really want to run in "plain" DOS.
     Note: "plain" DOS reached by pressing F8 after "starting Windows95"
message appears as Windows95 is booting up and selecting option 6.

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