Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/11/25/10:46:16
>Subject: Re: DJGPP too slow!
>From: Isaac Waldron <waldroni AT lr DOT net>
>Date: Sat, Nov 22, 1997 15:07 EST
>Message-id: <34773B8D DOT B6D38BF9 AT lr DOT net>
>Fabrice ILPONSE wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Here's the topic back.
>> That time have made a new test concerning video memory access.
>> (BLIT) 32000 words.
>> For comparison: BC 3.1 and DJGPP.
>> Befor ALL: even in BC 3.1, i've used 32 bits inline assembly.
>> i haven't used any existing libraries!
>> The PROG:
>> - switch to video mode 320x200x256
>> - loop
>> - change color 0 to red
>> - BLIT
>> - change color 0 to black
>> - wait retical retrace
>> I've got a 486 DX2 66.
>> Results:
>> - BC 16 bits red takes 40% of screen height
>> - BC 32 bits 45 - 50%
>> - DJGPP 90 - 95%
>> Those values are approximated. (humain looking)
>> I repeat it, i do not say anything about the djgpp generated code.
>> think it's as good as the BC one. But what else can slow down the
>> performances?
>> Protected mode perhaps!
>> SOON: i'll try to do the same under my modified protected mode BC
>> version.
>> Bye
>> --
>> ^ ^ ^
>> | | |
>> +-+-+ Fabrice ILPONSE
>> | <fabrice AT asim DOT lip6 DOT fr>
>> |
>> |
>> -
> I had sort of the same problem with my 3D graphics program. I was using a
>loop to call _farpokeb(blah) 64000 times. As you can probably figure, this
>quite slow. However, when I switched to using movdata(blah) for both
>blitting a
>page and clearing my draw_buffer, my program was suddenly 5 times faster!
>movedata() is very well optimized, and so it works well for blitting pages to
Here are a couple of macros I found at a DJGPP assembly FAQ somewheres.... I've
posted them elsewhere... as part of a reply to someone else's question...
...perhaps it's psychological... but I believe these will clear (set) and
copy memory faster than the library function move_data... or dosmemput (I
believe dosmemput only uses bytes... but I'm not certain of this...)
// MACRO FOR 32 BIT MEMORY MOVE (used to copy double_buffer to
// video_buffer
#define rep_movsl(src, dest, numwords) \
__asm__ __volatile__ ( \
"cld\n\t" \
"rep\n\t" \
"movsl" \
: : "S" (src), "D" (dest), "c" (numwords) \
: "%ecx", "%esi", "%edi" )
// MACRO TO SET BITS (32-bits at a time), used in filling the double
// buffer using LONG WORDS ; ]
#define rep_stosl(value, dest, numwords) \
__asm__ __volatile__ ( \
"cld\n\t" \
"rep\n\t" \
"stosl" \
: : "a" (value), "D" (dest), "c" (numwords) \
: "%ecx", "%edi" )
I hope someone is finding these macros useful.... if anyone has better -
please share it with me!
Jim the loiterer
(wannabe PC game/graphics developer)
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