Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/10/24/10:18:34

From: flux AT IAEhv DOT nl (Gibby Koldenhof)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: 3 silly questions ...
Date: 24 Oct 1997 03:52:53 GMT
Organization: Internet Access Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <62p62l$6sb$>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

G'day I justed ported a fairly large project to djgpp, I haven't
used djgpp in a *looong* time so I was wondering if some kind
soul could help me out with the following questions ;

1. CLK_TCK doesn't seem to be defined (although it's ANSI)
   bug ?

2. vfscanf() isn't present although it's a non-ANSI it's a fairly
   commen extension, I currently use _dosscan() (internal scanner)
   it *seems* to work but I'm not sure how sturdy this is, anybody
   have any experiences with this ?

3. For some strange reason the app. (a render engine) runs horribly
   slow (watcom 10.6 pushes out 20 fps and djgpp only 13 fps) 
   so I must be mixing up some optimization switches, but I can't
   figure out wich. I currently use ;

   -O3 -fomit-frame-pointers -ffast-math 

   other switches I use are ;

   -m486 (isn't there a -m586 ?)

   -pedantic -Wall 

Any help, hints would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers, flux.

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