Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/10/20/23:19:39
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> At 05:27 10/18/1997 GMT, Sam. wrote:
> >How do I write to the keyboard LEDs? I know this is possible, is there
> >a simple function to do it? I can read them with _bios_keyboard, can
> >it do the job?
> From: Nate Eldredge <eldredge AT ap DOT net>
Hi !
An alternative way to do that
You can write directly to keyboard's port
0x60 or 0x64.
here is a summary from the interrupt list
0edH : Turn LED 'lock key' lights on or off. First send 0edH, then send
_7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0_
_not used_ c_ n_ s _
_ _
ScrollLock light 01H=turn on _ _
NumLock light 02H=turn on _
CapsLock light 04H=turn on
The bit positions 0-3 correspond to bits 4-6 of the keyboard flags
variable in the BIOS Data area. You should make an effort to keep the
flags in sync with the lights. For instance, if you do a big favor for
the user and set his ten-key pad into NumLock mode (by setting bit 5 of
0:0417) then be sure to turn on the corresponding LED (eg, bit 1).
so you may want to do the following:
mov al,0edh
out 060H,al
mov al,3 // scrolllock and numlock on
out 060H,al
you should try port 64H if port 60H does not work.
for more information read the interrupt list.
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