Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/10/12/14:52:05

Message-Id: <>
From: "Norman MacDonald" <norman AT ns DOT sympatico DOT ca>
To: <djgpp AT delorie DOT com>, "Dyad255" <dyad255 AT aol DOT com>
Subject: Re: Plush with Allegro framebuffer? -- "3d1.c" (16kb)
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 15:46:04 -0300
MIME-Version: 1.0

From: Dyad255 <dyad255 AT aol DOT com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Date: Sunday, October 12, 1997 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: Plush with Allegro framebuffer? -- "3d1.c" (16kb)

And now, I wrap up with "It works great". With just one animated
torus, but it's a start. I think it most likely that I set a bad material
property somewhere.

// ********** INCLUDES **********
#include <float.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <allegro.h>
#include <plush.h>

// ********** GLOBAL VARIABLES **********
BITMAP *temp; // Allegro, screen buffer
pl_ZBuffer *zbuffer;
pl_Mat RingMaterial;
pl_Mat *AllMaterials[2]; // List of materials to make optimal palette from
int vWidth = 640, vHeight = 480;
int loopcount;

// ********** FUNCTIONS **********
void RingColors(); // Setup colors for ring
void DoRing(); // Create Ring, render in loops until keypress

// ********** MAIN FUNCTION **********
int main()

#if defined(DJGPP) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
   // Put the fpu in a low precision, no exception state
  _control87(MCW_EM|PC_24, MCW_EM|MCW_PC);

allegro_init(); // Initializes Allegro

// Allocate a z-buffer
zbuffer = (pl_ZBuffer *) malloc(sizeof(pl_ZBuffer)*vWidth*vHeight);

DoRing(); // Big setup & looping routine

set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Set screen mode to DOS text

allegro_exit(); // Exit Allegro
exit(0); // Exit with an error code of 0

// Big setup & looping routine
void DoRing()
// Local scene variables
pl_Cam *Camera;              
pl_Obj *Ring;
pl_Light *Light;

// Create ring object
Ring = plMakeTorus(100, 50, 48, 16, &RingMaterial);

// Create and setup the light
Light = plLightCreate();
plLightSet(Light, PL_LIGHT_VECTOR, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 10000);

// Setup the screen mode
if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, vWidth, vHeight, 0, 0))
  // If it fails,
  allegro_exit(); // exit Allegro,
  printf("Mode not supported\n"); // print error message,
  exit(1); // and exit with an error code of 1

temp = create_bitmap(vWidth,vHeight); // Create temporary screen bitmap

// Create the camera
Camera = plCamCreate(vWidth,vHeight, vWidth*3.0/(vHeight*4.0),
                      80.0, temp->dat, zbuffer);
Camera->Z = -2000; // Start back a fair distance
Camera->Sort = 0; // Don't sort, we're using a z-buffer

RingColors(); // Setup the colors for ring

// Setup starting locations for the ring
Ring->Xa -= 45.0;
Ring->Za -= 45.0;

// Start the ring's rotation while zooming in
while (!kbhit())
  Camera->Z += 20; // Zoom camera in
  // Rotate the ring
  Ring->Ya += 16.0;
  // Clear the temp screen bitmap

  if (Camera->zBuffer) memset(Camera->zBuffer, 0, sizeof(pl_ZBuffer)*

  // Do the rendering
  plRenderBegin(Camera); // Begin render
  plRenderLight(Light); // Render Light
  plRenderObj(Ring); // Render Ring
  plRenderEnd(); // Complete the rendering
  vsync(); // Wait for vsync (Allegro)

  // Write the temp screen bitmap to the screen
  blit(temp, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, Camera->ScreenWidth, Camera->ScreenHeight);

  if (Camera->Z > -300) break; // If zoomed in all the way, go to next

// Start the planet's rotation after zooming in
while (!kbhit())
  // Rotate the ring
  Ring->Ya += 16.0;

  // Clear the temp screen bitmap

  if (Camera->zBuffer) memset(Camera->zBuffer, 0, sizeof(pl_ZBuffer)*

  // Do the rendering
  plRenderBegin(Camera); // Begin render
  plRenderLight(Light); // Render Light
  plRenderObj(Ring); // Render Ring
  plRenderEnd(); // Complete the rendering
  vsync(); // Wait for vsync (Allegro)

  // Write the temp screen bitmap to the screen
  blit(temp, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, Camera->ScreenWidth, Camera->ScreenHeight);


// Free up memory used by the objects
// Destroy the temporary Allegro bitmap

void RingColors()
// Local variables for setting palettes
int x;
PALETTE pal; // Allegro palette
pl_uChar cpal[768]; // Plush palette

memset(cpal, 0, 768);

// Setup material properties
RingMaterial.ShadeType = PL_SHADE_GOURAUD;
RingMaterial.NumGradients = 255;
RingMaterial.Ambient[0] = 255;
RingMaterial.Ambient[1] = 0;
RingMaterial.Ambient[2] = 0;
RingMaterial.Diffuse[0] = 0;
RingMaterial.Diffuse[1] = 255;
RingMaterial.Diffuse[2] = 0;
RingMaterial.Specular[0] = 0;
RingMaterial.Specular[1] = 0;
RingMaterial.Specular[2] = 220;
RingMaterial.Shininess = 50;
RingMaterial.Transparent = 1;
RingMaterial.Environment = NULL;
RingMaterial.Texture = NULL;
RingMaterial.PerspectiveCorrect = 16;

// Initialize map materials

// Generate an optimal palette from a list of materials
AllMaterials[0] = &RingMaterial;
AllMaterials[1] = 0; // Null-terminate list
plMatMakeOptPal(cpal, 0, 255, AllMaterials);

cpal[0] = cpal[1] = cpal[2] = 0; // black

// Now map it to the palette
plMatMapToPal(&RingMaterial, cpal, 1, 255);

// Palette conversion for Allegro
for (x = 0; x < 256; x++)
   pal[x].r = cpal[x*3+0] >> 2; // Convert red
   pal[x].g = cpal[x*3+1] >> 2; // Convert green
   pal[x].b = cpal[x*3+2] >> 2; // Convert blue
set_palette(pal); // Set The Palette

Well what do you know? Something that I wrote actually made it somewhere
I tried to update this for plush 1.1 a looonng time ago, but I couldn't get
I'm gonna try this code out and see how it works. Thanx for updating it.

                             Norman MacDonald

BTW, the header is a little misleading, I did not write the original
program that this was
based on. Just figured I'd give a little credit. I can't remember who did.

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