Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/09/28/05:56:44

Message-Id: <>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 11:53:08 -0400
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
From: Peter Palotas <blizzar AT hem1 DOT passagen DOT se>
Subject: Re: A DJ Web Browser
Mime-Version: 1.0

At 10.55 1997-09-27 -0700, you wrote:
>from: csantill AT lausd DOT k12 DOT ca DOT us
>I meant a DOS graphical browser web browser which dials
>PPP, SLIP, TCP/IP and all that other good serial com
>stuff.  I've used used Lynx (the UNIX version thru my
>ISP's BBS) and I want something more powerful.  It's
>good when you know the pages that you'll be viewing
>won't have any frames or tables or important graphics
>because its real easy to get when the image is the
>link to the page you want but screen looks like this:
>[ LINK ] [ LINK ] [ LINK ]

This sounds like an interesting project, and I'm kind of interested in it.
But I don't know anything about PPP, SLIP, TCP/IP and stuff, (except that
they are protocols used on the internet, and in intranets, and stuff), so
I'd need to pick up a load of information on this. Also would it need to
contain (I suppose it should) a TCP/IP socket driver for DOS, or is there
one (I know there is, but where) that is good enough already? (And FREE

Using a portable graphics library for this would also probably be a good
idea, don't you think? Now my question is, which is the best really? It
should be portable before everything else I think, (ofcourse it should be
bug free, but that applies to all programs/libraries)´. JLIB is portable,
but are there better alternatives perhaps? I've never used GRX, is it good?
Allegro ofcourse exists, but isn't that better for games like programming? 

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