Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/07/27/05:28:15

Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 1997 11:24:13 +0200
From: Francois Charton <deef AT pobox DOT oleane DOT com>
Organization: CCMSA
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Shawn Hargreaves <Shawn AT talula DOT demon DOT co DOT uk>
CC: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Swedish keyboard layout in Allegro
References: <33D69348 DOT AE34B6FC AT canit DOT se> <x$N$7AAVh61zEwZG AT talula DOT demon DOT co DOT uk>

Shawn Hargreaves wrote:
>  Or even better, if anyone knows how to access the scancode-
> ascii mapping being used by DOS itself, I'd really like to know about
> it! I suspect the gory details will differ between different OS
> versions, but it would be nice if it could be done...

Foreign keyboards are handled through the KEYB.COM program, which comes 
with the DOS "package". It is called in your autoexec.bat, by loading 
something like this (for France, obviously)


I suppose its role is to redirect interrupt 09h, so that it links the 
right ascii codes to the right scan codes. 

A way to generate such a table would be to 

1. execute KEYB.COM with the desired country parameter (you would not 
need to do this in a runtime environement, has AUTOEXEC.BAT has already 
done it for you)
2. simulate keypresses on all the keyboard keys (can you call int09h?, if 
all fails, then you would have to do it "by hand", once and for all) and 
use int 1600h to read the corresponding ASCII codes. 

3. Build a keyboard table, and use it in allegro.

If there is a way to automatically simulate keypresses, and test the 
current scancodes to ascii relations, this could be done in the very 
beginning of allegro "install keyboard" function, to build the keyboard 
mapping tables on the fly. Else, you will have to do it once for all the 
possible keyboards, try all the keys, and incorporate the result into a 
set of table. At runtime, you would only need to call the "detect 
country" function sent to the list/NG yesterday, and use the 
corresponding table.


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