Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/07/14/13:20:32

From: "Joshua Eckstein" <kwe1 AT flash DOT net>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Mode X in AT&T Asm
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 11:28:13 -0500
Organization: Flashnet Communications,
Lines: 44
Message-ID: <5qdgif$2m1$>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

I've been trying to find a link or person that would explain how to set
Mode X 320x240x256 (or variations of such resolutions... 360x240, 320x400,
etc.) in AT&T Asm or just plain DJGPP C++ code without using XLib or
Allegro if I could (no offense, guys). I used previously (in another
compiler that used Intel syntax) the following code to get me into such a

void modex ()
      mov ax, 0013h
      int 10h
      mov dx, 03c4h
      mov ax, 0604h
      out dx, ax
      mov ax, 0f02h
      out dx, ax
      mov dx, 0a000h
      mov es, dx
      xor di, di
      xor ax, ax
      mov cx, 8000h
      rep stosw

      mov dx, 03d4h
      mov ax, 0014h
      out dx, ax
      mov ax, 0e317h
      out dx, ax

I've tried to convert this to AT&T syntax, but it seems to get hung up on
the "out" command. Could someone please help me, translate, or direct me to
a link that would help me? Please reply by e-mail below.

kwe1 AT flash DOT net

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