Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/04/12/12:27:18

From: phreadd AT powerup DOT com DOT au (David Orme)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: Growing pains with DJGPP
Date: 12 Apr 1997 13:25:35 GMT
Organization: Power Up
Lines: 91
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <5io2gf$t3c$>
References: <5ingih$3dq$1 AT sparcserver DOT lrz-muenchen DOT de>
Reply-To: phreadd AT powerup DOT com DOT au
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

In article <5ingih$3dq$1 AT sparcserver DOT lrz-muenchen DOT de>, 
>Hi there,

>I just recently started out with DJGPP because of the out-of date
>technology in the last good DOS-based C compiler BC 3.1
I've just started, and I'm coming from BC 3.1 too. Isn't that great?!

>Anyways, after receiveing over 700 mails on my first subscription to
>this list, I decided to forgo reading them all (I understand there are
>over 150 new ones every day?) and just will post a few questions that
>arose during my work with it in the last 4 weeks. If there's a thread
>to that, feel free to point it out to me.
I havn't tried yet, and after hearing things like this I'm glad I didn't :)

>My first one would be: how is the portability between DJGPP written
>under DOS and Linux?
>Basicly speaking it should be fine, but if anyone has experience with
>it, I would appreciate any comments.
I don't know about linux, but I use UNIX at uni and generally I can write a 
program at home at ftp it to uni. it compiles fine and is going to make 
assignment a dream :)

>Second one: I know DJGPP has access to the full Memory in my system
>(Pmode and that stuff), so we're talking about no more Memory model
>worrys right? If I felt like it I could construct a two dimensional
>array with over 64kb of Space? (e.g. char string[32000][32000]) (old
>BC 3.1 user :-)) I could also just make my heap a few million bytes
>big and use that as buffer? (not the best idea, I know we're talking
>theory here)
I managed to malloc a 128Mb array of ints, and I only have 8Mb of RAM! I was 
wondering if DJGPP double buffers or something I didn't recieve an error or 
a NULL from the malloc command.

>Third: I experimented with Allegro and I found out that when I
>initialize Keyboard, Timer or something like that and want a
>return_message (int), the software will not initiallize correctly. As
>soon as I took out the return int, it went fine. Is that a prob with
>Allegro? In the short doc it states that one generally isn't
>interrested in the return code, but I would just like to know if
>everything went well. It might have been that the author thought that
>nobody would use it anyways so he might have not taken care of his
>return code (in-line assembler or so???)
I couldn't find the putpixel command in Allegro. I searched a dozen .C files 
(they all #include allegro.h) but I couldn't find the right one. Maybe they 
should have more internal documentation like:

/* first.c */
  function prototype
  function prototype
/* second.c */

>Forth: One thing I realized with RHIDE. It tends to let the mouse
>pointer vanisch if you switch to a graphical User Screen and the
>switch back. Is that a known prob or n purpose??
My mouse pointer vanishes when I use the "user screen" to view text. I 
eventually gave up and started editing/compiling in RHIDE and executing in 
DOS. It works...

>Thanx for any good replies....
Well, It wasn't exactly _good_, but it was my personal experiences over the 
last 6 weeks. Sorry it it looks like a reply email, but it kept me 
structured :)

>                    Eddie

|   David Orme                     \/\   |
|   Phreadd AT powerup DOT com DOT au         /\/   |
|   "Striving for Excellence"            |

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