Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/02/15/11:52:54

From: bas AT merlin DOT ebicom DOT net
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 10:31:55 +0000
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Financial Aid

At 02:09 AM 2/15/97 -0600, you wrote:
>If you are reading this now, you, like me, are
>badly in need of money. Believe me, I understand.
>If the United States had debtor's prison, I'd have
>been in it years ago. However, there is a way out.
>All you have to do is use the follow program.
>Mail a single dollar bill to each of the following
>people, along with a note which says:
>"Please add me to your list. My name
>and address is (include your name and address)."
>(1)	Ralph
>     	7439 Hwy 70 S. #268
>     	Nashville, Tn. 37221
>(2)	Bob Sullivan
>       	4553 Atascadero Dr.
>       	Santa Barbara, Ca. 93110
>(3)	Bill Gray
>       	8114 SW 104th Way
>       	Gainesville, FL  32608
>(4)	Y. Yuksel
>       	1561 Mesa Dr. #123
>       	Santa Ana, CA 92707
>(5)	J. M. Little
>	Clemson University
>	P.O. Box 3669
>	Clemson, SC  29632-3669
>Then copy this message, and re-post it to as many
>newsgroups as you can, but with the following changes:
>Erase the first person's address.
>Move each of the remaining addresses up one number. 
>	(#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2, etc.)
>Add your name and address as the fifth one.
>What will happen is this. Others who, like you, are
>in need of money, will read your message, just as
>you are reading this one, and decide that they need
>the extra cash. They will send you their one dollar
>bill, and repost the message, making the same changes
>you did. You will still be on the list as #4. Someone
>will read their message, send money to everyone on the
>list, including you, and post another message, making
>the changes. You will still be on the list as #3. This
>will continue until you are off the list, but by the time
>you are off the list, AT LEAST five people will send you
>money. There's the five dollars you sent. I cannot
>confirm them, but there are continuous statements about
>how people have made hundreds, thousands, and even tens
>of thousands of dollars with this plan. Remember, the
>more places you put this, the more money you make.
>Does this seem unreasonable? It shouldn't. There are
>millions of people in the United States just like you,
>who need money, and are looking for a solution.
>Thousands of people are getting on the internet for the
>first time, every day, and each of them wants to make
>money. Is it so unbelievable that they, like you, will
>follow this plan, hoping for a big return? At most, it
>will cost you ten dollars:  one dollar for each person,
>and five for the pen, stamps, and envelopes.
>Is it impossible for you to imagine there are ten people
>somewhere in America who want to make money?
>If there are, then you've only lost a little time. But
>in fact, there are MILLIONS of people who NEED the money,
>and they are looking for ANY chance to make some. You
>will more than make up for any time or money you spend.
>Is this program illegal? No. There's nothing illegal, or
>even shady, about this. Do you want proof?
>1.  The inclusion of the message "Add my name to your
>	list." makes this a service, just like any TV
>	advertisement or 1-900 number. Are those illegal?
>2.  Does the federal government police the internet? No.
>	Do they open your mail? No. THAT would be illegal.
>3.  If this were illegal, do you really think I'd be dumb
>	enough to give the police my address?
>Please, support this program. There is the potential for
>both you and I to make a LOT of money together. Thank you.
I beg to differ, I think that this is illegal, well I dont know about the
plan or whatever but advertising it like that is, I think anyhow.  Somthing
along the lines of unsolicited email or some crap like that.  I'll check
today and if i find that it is I intend to report you to the FCC, and if its
not, I apologize.

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