Mail Archives: djgpp/1996/12/02/11:45:10

From: Artur Zaroda <zaroda AT ghost DOT mimuw DOT edu DOT pl>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: RHIDE: Testing beta 6
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 08:13:42 +0100
Organization: Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Modelowania
Lines: 92
Message-ID: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Apparently-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com


I have been testing RHIDE, snapshot of beta 6 (from Nov. 29). I have some
observations which I decided to post here instead of directly to author
because there are some problems I'm unable to reproduce and some of my
sugestions other users may want to comment on. Any way, here is the list:

Errors I'm unable to reproduce:
(maybe someone who has experienced similar behaviour can help here)

1. Running "GREP" (Shift-F2) sometimes crushes RHIDE.
2. At least once an information about available memory disappeared leaving
   an empty space in the upper right corner of the screen.
3. At one point RHIDE got confused about which windows are opened. I had
   just one window and the text in it has been saved but when trying to
   exit RHIDE kept asking "Save untitled file ?".
4. I once had some strange problems with selecting text using SHIFT and
   cursor keys. For example it worked when I moved cursor forward but
   didn't when moving backward. Also when I selected text and then unselected
   it I couldn't select anything again.
   I think it all may be related to already reported problems with keyboard
   which may have nothing to do with RHIDE itself.

Fatal errors:

1. If there are no breakpoints set choosing "Breakpoints" from menu "Debug"
   breaks RHIDE.
2. If there are no opened projects choosing "Build all" from menu "Compile"
   crushes RHIDE unless "Compile/Make" was run first.


1. "Debug/List of functions" works after program has been built for the first
   time but if You change something in it and then rebuild it list of
   functions is empty.
2. In "Debug/List of functions" one cannot use regular expression "*" to
   get the list of all functions (empty expression "" and expression "?*"
   both work fine).
3. In Info Viewer "Search/Goto Line..." is not disabled although it does
   not seem to work. There are also some other commands that are not
   disabled but should be (for example in menu "Compile").
4. "Windows/Tile" and "Windows/Cascade" do not effect "Info Viewer" window.
5. When there are no edit windows opened "Edit/Expand all tabs" and
   "Edit/Compact text" should not be enabled.
6. If You start RHIDE with no windows opened everything in menu "Search"
   is disabled but if You open something and then close it "Find...",
   "Replace..." and "Search again" remain enabled.
7. If You type in a new program in RHIDE, "Make" it, then change something
   and press F9 to make it again RHIDE says it's up to date. If the program
   you are making has been read from disk "Make" works fine.
8. If You type in a new program and then, without saving, try to "Make" it
   RHIDE asks You for the name of the file, then saves it and displays
   message beginning with "Could not find the source file 'Untitled'.".
9. There are some problems with "Undo" which I believe have been reported
   before. So just for record, for example if You enter "a" then right
   arrow, then "b" and right arrow again pressing "Alt+Backspace" twice
   removes "a" but "b" is still there. Sometimes using "Undo" it is also
   possible to get into line number 0.
10. You can't (or at least I couldn't) open (using "File/Open" command) files
   with names that have no suffix (like "makefile" for example).

Cosmetic changes (those are just sugestions):

1. "Write Makefile" in my opinion should move from menu "Options" to
   "Project" because it is project-related.
2. "Help" should move to separate menu instead of being submenu of "File"
3. "Jump to function" should move from "Edit" to "Search"
4. Submenu "C/C++-Compiler" of menu "Options" should change it's name
   to "Compiler" because there are "Pascal-Flags" in it.
5. If You choose "Project/Primary file" and then type some nonsense there
   You get "You can give here only a valid filename for a Pascal source file"
   message no metter which language You were programming in.
6. In an empty file You can jump (using "Search/Goto Line...") to lines
   numbered 0 to 1 although there are certainly no line number 0.
7. In info file describing pull-down menus menu "Debug" is omited.

Wish list:

1. Searching in info files
2. Build-in support for Flex and Bison

That's all.
At the end let me express how important I think RHIDE is. It may finally
change an opinion about DJGPP being "for experienced programers only".
Big THANK YOU to author.

Artur Zaroda
zaroda AT mimuw DOT edu DOT pl

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