Mail Archives: djgpp/1996/11/08/20:30:56

Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 1996 01:22:47 +0100
From: Mark Habersack <grendel AT ananke DOT amu DOT edu DOT pl>
Reply-To: grendel AT ananke DOT amu DOT edu DOT pl
Organization: Home, sweet home
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Leendert Combee <combee AT cambridge DOT scr DOT slb DOT com>
CC: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Adding Windows Support?
References: <199611081513 DOT PAA01032 AT tartan DOT scr DOT slb DOT com> <3283CD15 DOT 49CE AT ananke DOT amu DOT edu DOT pl>

Leendert Combee wrote:

> >    Several header files
>    Could be, but I didn't miss any sofar...
Wait till you move on with some more advanced programming problems.
> >    Help compiler
>    Agree! - but at least you are still able to write code...
Yeah, that's the most important thing. But, you know, these days people
using soft for WinXX expect everything to be "user frendly", "intuitive"
and "self-explanatory" - in one word you have to lead the user by hand
("sad but true"...". Help files are very important here and if you want
your software to be used by ALL, not only by those who know what's going
on, you have to write and compile help files. (BTW. I know that some
time ago there was a series of articles on Windows help format in DDJ.
Does anyone have these issues?)
> >    Help files with description of Win95/NT API (don't think it's in
> > books, no, I haven't seen any that'd       contain descriptions of ALL
> > APIs. The only sources are help files and books that accompany the SDK)
>    I am not sure here, there are plenty of books on win95 api programming
>   (again. what is 'the SDK'). I am sure that of the expert find the books
>   available too restricted and also the possibilities of rsxntdj, but at
>   least it provides a _working_ starting point.
Believe me, I browsed through a few of them and each, at some point, had
something like "this subject is beyond the scope of this book.". It was
in most cases when it came to talking about more advanced topics. But,
yes, you're right, they're a good point to start from.

You tell me I'm drunk then you sit back and smug a while convinced that
right, that you're still in command of your senses. I laugh at your
attitude, your insincere platitudes will make me throw up. The sooner
you realise
I'm perfectly happy if I'm left to decide the company I choose.

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