Mail Archives: djgpp/1993/10/09/22:31:53

Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1993 22:11:17 -0400
From: garym AT virtual DOT rose DOT utoronto DOT ca (Gary Lawrence Murphy)
To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu, bernie AT ecr DOT mu DOT oz DOT au, thinman AT netcom DOT com
Subject: UPDATE: GRX.C Driver for VOGL

Stop the presses!  

Here's a corrected version of my GRX.C driver for the VOGL 3D graphics
library.  Having made the pointers 'volatile' and using GrClearContext
in grx_vclear, I've got passable double buffering on a 486.  I'm not
happy with a polled mouse, some fonts won't load, and I still need to
hack events for 3D and 6D pointers, but it's late and I'm out of Jack

Just for fun (and for those who don't know VOGL or SGI's GL) I'll send
my Red/Blue stereo 3D version of the tetra demo source and binary in a
uuencoded zip file to follow this message (my apologies for the
bandwidth ;-)

[ cut here ]

 * GRX driver for VOGL c1993 by Gary Murphy (garym AT virtual DOT rose DOT utoronto DOT ca)
 * To compile: 
 *      1) add GRX to device.c and mash-up your makefiles for MsDOS
 *      2) compile with DOBJ=-DPOSTSCRIPT -DHPGL -DGRX and MFLAGS=-O2
 * To run:
 *      set VDEVICE=grx
 * grateful thanks to Lance Norskog (thinman AT netcom DOT com) and Birnie
 * Kirby (bernie AT ecr DOT mu DOT oz DOT au) --- should either of you be in my
 * neighbourhood, my offer of an Ice Beer is still open!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <grx.h>
#include <mousex.h>

#define MSG( m ) fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: %d: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, (m))
#define ERROR1( m, p ) fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: %d: " m, __FILE__, __LINE__, (p))

#include    "vogl.h"

#define MAXCOLOR 256

static struct {

  GR_graphics_modes old_mode;

  int width, height, planes;
  unsigned scrsize; /* size of buffer in long words */
  GrContext *cbuf; /* current context */
  GrContext *fbuf;
  GrContext *bbuf;

  int palette[8];

  GrLineOption lopt; /* pen drawing options */
  int fg;   /* foreground/background colours */
  int bg;

  int has_mouse;

  GrFont *font;
  GrFont *lfont;
  GrFont *sfont;
/*  GrTextOption *lfont;
 *  GrTextOption *sfont;
  int cx;
  int cy;

} grx;

/* access functions: *

/* I'm going to need this to fudge in stereo graphics ... */

GrContext *setBackBuffer( GrContext *newBB )
  GrContext *oldBB = grx.bbuf;
  assert( newBB != NULL);
  grx.bbuf = newBB;
  return oldBB;

static int
    grx.old_mode = GrCurrentMode();

#ifndef VOGLE
    vdevice.devname = "Grx";

    /* set the VOGL device */
    vdevice.sizeX = GrSizeY(); /* square max, was GrScreenX(); */
    vdevice.sizeY = GrSizeY();

    grx.width = vdevice.sizeSx = GrScreenX();
    grx.height = vdevice.sizeSy = GrScreenY();
    grx.planes = vdevice.depth = GrNumPlanes();

    grx.scrsize=( GrPlaneSize(grx.width, grx.height)* grx.planes)/sizeof(long);

    /* setup default palette */
    grx.lopt.lno_color = grx.fg = GrWhite(); = GrBlack();

    grx.palette[BLACK] = GrAllocColor( 0, 0, 0 );
    grx.palette[RED] = GrAllocColor( 255, 0, 0 );
    grx.palette[GREEN] = GrAllocColor( 0, 255, 0 );
    grx.palette[YELLOW] = GrAllocColor( 255, 255, 0 );
    grx.palette[BLUE] = GrAllocColor( 0, 0, 255 );
    grx.palette[MAGENTA] = GrAllocColor( 255, 0, 255 );
    grx.palette[CYAN] = GrAllocColor( 0, 255, 255 );
    grx.palette[WHITE] = GrAllocColor( 255, 255, 255 );

    /* setup back/front buffers:
     * frontbuffer is the current screen, back is a ram context
    grx.cbuf = grx.fbuf = GrSaveContext( NULL );
    grx.bbuf = NULL;

    /* initialize mouse */
    if ((grx.has_mouse = MouseDetect())==TRUE)
        /* can I do interrupts? stay polled for now ... */

        /* no keyboard (use getch) */
        MouseEventEnable(0, 1);

        /* cheezy mouse speed algorithm */
        if (grx.width * grx.height < 100000)    
        else if (grx.width * grx.height < 200000)   
        else if (grx.width * grx.height < 500000)


    /* initial drawing style to thin solid lines */
    grx.lopt.lno_width = 1;
    grx.lopt.lno_pattlen = 0;
    grx.lopt.lno_dashpat = NULL;

    /* load initial fonts */
    if(getenv("GRXFONT") == NULL) GrSetFontPath("fonts");

    grx.font = grx.sfont = grx.lfont = NULL;

    vdevice.hwidth = 8.0;
    vdevice.hheight = 8.0;

    return (1);

 * grx_frontbuffer, grx_backbuffer, grx_swapbuffers
int grx_frontbuffer() 
{ grx.cbuf = grx.fbuf; GrSetContext( grx.fbuf ); return (0); }

int grx_backbuffer() 
/* if they want a backbuffer, we'd better make one ... */

  if (grx.bbuf == NULL) 
    grx.bbuf = GrCreateContext( GrSizeX(), GrSizeY(), NULL, NULL );

  assert( grx.bbuf != NULL);

  grx.cbuf = grx.bbuf;
  GrSetContext( grx.bbuf ); 
  return (0); 

int grx_swapbuffers() 
  if (grx.cbuf == grx.fbuf )
/*    unsigned long *zptr = (unsigned long *) grx.bbuf->gc_baseaddr; */

  /* there is no inherently portable VGA backbuffer.
   * the following copies by long words from back to front buffer
   * modify this for regions by triming the first x-limit and y-limit
   * and upping the pointers to the start of your subcontext

      volatile unsigned long *sptr = (unsigned long *) grx.bbuf->gc_baseaddr;
      volatile unsigned long *tptr = (unsigned long *) grx.fbuf->gc_baseaddr;
      volatile unsigned lc = 0;

      asm volatile(" \n\
        yloop: \n\
                movl %1,%%ecx      \n\
                cmpl %%ecx,%6      \n\
                jae alldone        \n\
                cld                \n\
        xloop: \n\
                movl %4,%%esi      \n\
                movl %5,%%edi      \n\
                movl %0,%%ecx      \n\
                rep                \n\
                movsl              \n\
        xdone: \n\
                movl %2,%%ecx      \n\
                addl %%ecx,%4      \n\
                movl %3,%%ecx      \n\
                addl %%ecx,%5      \n\
                incl %6            \n\
                jmp yloop          \n\
        alldone:                   " \
               : /*no output*/                      \
               : "g" (grx.width), "g" (grx.height), \
                 "g" (grx.bbuf->gc_lineoffset), \
                 "g" (grx.fbuf->gc_lineoffset), \
                 "g" (sptr), "g" (tptr), "g" (lc) \
               : "si", "di", "cx" ); \

  return (0); 

#ifdef VOGLE
 * grx_vclear
 *  Clear the screen to current colour


 * grx_vclear
 *  Clear the viewport to current colour
static int
  unsigned int    vw = vdevice.maxVx - vdevice.minVx;
  unsigned int    vh = vdevice.maxVy - vdevice.minVy;

  if ((vdevice.sizeSx == vw) && (vdevice.sizeSy == vh))
      if (grx.fg == GrBlack())
          volatile unsigned long *zptr
            = (unsigned long *) grx.bbuf->gc_baseaddr;
          asm volatile(" \n\
             movl %0,%%edi     \n\
             movl %1,%%ecx     \n\
             xorl %%eax,%%eax  \n\
             cld               \n\
             rep               \n\
             stosl             "\
             : /*no output*/                   \
             : "g" (zptr), "g" (grx.scrsize)   \
             : "di",       "cx"        ); \
        else GrClearContext(grx.fg);    /* full screen */
                vdevice.sizeSy - vdevice.maxVy, 
  return (1);


 * grx_exit
 *  Sets the display back to text mode.
    MouseUnInit();  /* disable mouse/keyboard interrupts */

    GrSetMode( grx.old_mode );
    GrDestroyContext( grx.bbuf );
    return (1);

static int grx_sync () {};

static  int
    return (-1);

 * grx_font : load either of the fonts
static int
grx_font(char *name)
  GrUnloadFont( grx.font );
  grx.font = GrLoadFont( name );
  vdevice.hheight = 16;
  vdevice.hwidth = 8;
  return (1);

int grx_char( int c )
  static char s[2] = "\0\0";

  s[0] = c;
  GrTextXY(vdevice.cpVx, vdevice.sizeSy - vdevice.cpVy + 16, s, grx.fg, 0);
  return (1);

static int
grx_string(char *s)
    GrTextXY(vdevice.cpVx, vdevice.sizeSy - vdevice.cpVy + 16, s, grx.fg, 0);
    return (1);

static int
grx_draw( int x, int y )
                 vdevice.sizeSy - vdevice.cpVy, 
                 x, vdevice.sizeSy - y, 
                 &grx.lopt );

    vdevice.cpVx = x;
    vdevice.cpVy = y;


static int
grx_colour(int i)
  if (i<MAXCOLOR) grx.fg = grx.palette[i]; /* for now */
  else grx.fg = GrBlack();

  grx.lopt.lno_color = grx.fg;

  return (0);

 * grx_mapcolor
 *  change index i in the color map to the appropriate r, g, b, value.
static int
grx_mapcolor(int c, int r, int g, int b)
    int j;

    if (c >= MAXCOLOR || vdevice.depth == 1)

    grx.palette[c] = GrAllocColor(r, g, b);

static int
grx_fill( int sides, int *x, int *y )
  int i,j;
  int points[sides][2];

  for (i=0; i<sides; i++)
      points[i][0] = x[i];
      points[i][1] = grx.height - y[i];

  GrFilledPolygon( sides, points, grx.fg );

  return (0);

static int
    char c;

    if (kbhit()) {
        if ((c = getkey()) == 3) {  /* control-c */
            /* don't call vexit(), avoid back-refs */
        } else
            return c;
    } else  return 0;

static int
grx_locator(int *x, int *y)
  MouseEvent mEv;
  static ox = 0, oy = 0, obuttons = 0;

  if (!grx.has_mouse) 
      *x = *y = 0;
      return (-1);

  MouseGetEvent( M_MOTION | M_BUTTON_CHANGE | M_POLL, &mEv );

    if (mEv.flags & M_MOTION) {
      ox = mEv.x;
      oy = vdevice.sizeSy - mEv.y;
    if (mEv.flags & M_BUTTON_CHANGE) {
        obuttons = ((mEv.buttons & M_LEFT) ? 1 : 0) |
            ((mEv.buttons & M_MIDDLE) ? 2 : 0) |
            ((mEv.buttons & M_RIGHT) ? 4 : 0);
  *x = ox;
  *y = oy;

  return (obuttons);

int grx_lwidth( int w )
  grx.lopt.lno_width = w;

static DevEntry grxdev = {
    grx_backbuffer, /* backbuffer */
    grx_char, /* hardware char */
    grx_checkkey, /* keyhit */
    grx_vclear, /* clear viewport to current colour */
    grx_colour, /* set current colour */
    grx_draw, /* draw line */
    grx_exit, /* close graphics & exit */
    grx_fill, /* fill polygon */
    grx_font, /* set hardware font */
    grx_frontbuffer, /* front buffer */
    getkey, /* wait for and get key */
    grx_init, /* begin graphics */
    grx_locator, /* get mouse position */
    grx_mapcolor, /* map colour (set indices) */
    noop, /* set linestyle */
    grx_lwidth, /* set line width */
    grx_string, /* draw string of chars */
    grx_swapbuffers, /* swap buffers */
    grx_sync  /* sync display */

 * _grx_devcpy
 *  copy the pc device into (as listed in drivers.c)
{ = grxdev;

/* Gary Lawrence Murphy ----------------- garym AT virtual DOT rose DOT utoronto DOT ca
 * University of Toronto ---------- 4 Taddle Creek, Toronto, Ont M5S 1A4
 * Human Factors, Ind Engineering ------------ fax/voice: (416) 978-3776
 * ----------------------- The true destination is always just here, now

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