Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2003/02/03/06:43:09

Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 11:44:52 +0000
From: "Richard Dawe" <rich AT phekda DOT freeserve DOT co DOT uk>
Sender: rich AT phekda DOT freeserve DOT co DOT uk
To: djgpp-workers AT delorie DOT com
X-Mailer: Emacs 21.3.50 (via feedmail 8.3.emacs20_6 I) and Blat ver 1.8.6
Subject: tests/libclink: separate C89 and C99 functions [PATCH]
Message-Id: <>
Reply-To: djgpp-workers AT delorie DOT com


Below is a patch for tests/libclink to separate out and check C89
and C99 functions separately. I guess I should have done this
in the first place. Oh well.

This restores the C89 section to have the same contents
as tests/libclink from 2.03.

Running libclink with this patch show that we have no C89 functions
calling C99 functions, hence no new stubs are needed.

OK to commit?

Bye, Rich =]

Index: tests/libclink/
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/tests/libclink/,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -p -c -3 -r1.6
*** tests/libclink/	19 Jan 2002 09:52:31 -0000	1.6
--- tests/libclink/	3 Feb 2003 11:39:22 -0000
*************** char *predefs[] = { "main", "edata", "en
*** 20,113 ****
     not a function, and we can't stub it.  ctime() sets tzname, and
     ctime is ANSI and tzname is POSIX.  Sigh. */
! char *ansi_fns[] = { "_Exit", "abort", "abs",
! "acos", "acosf", "acosh", "acoshf", "acoshl", "acosl",
! "asctime", "asin", "asinf", "asinh", "asinhf", "asinhl", "asinl",
! "atan", "atan2", "atan2f", "atan2l",
! "atanf", "atanh", "atanhf", "atanhl", "atanl",
! "atexit", "atof", "atoi", "atol", "atoll", "bsearch", "btowc",
! "cabs", "cabsf", "cabsl",
! "cacos", "cacosf", "cacosh", "cacoshf", "cacoshl", "cacosl",
! "calloc", "carg", "cargf", "cargl",
! "casin", "casinf", "casinh", "casinhf", "casinhl", "casinl",
! "catan", "catanf", "catanh", "catanhf", "catanhl", "catanl",
! "cbrt", "cbrtf", "cbrtl",
! "ccos", "ccosf", "ccosh", "ccoshf", "ccoshl", "ccosl",
! "ceil", "ceilf", "ceill", "cexp", "cexpf", "cexpl",
! "cimag", "cimagf", "cimagl", "clearerr", "clock",
! "clog", "clogf", "clogl", "conj", "conjf", "conjl",
! "copysign", "copysignf", "copysignl", "cos", "cosf",
! "cosh", "coshf", "coshl", "cosl", "cpow", "cpowf", "cpowl",
! "cproj", "cprojf", "cprojl", "creal", "crealf", "creall",
! "csin", "csinf", "csinh", "csinhf", "csinhl", "csinl",
! "csqrt", "csqrtf", "csqrtl",
! "ctan", "ctanf", "ctanh", "ctanhf", "ctanhl", "ctanl",
! "ctime", "difftime", "div",
! "erf", "erff", "erfl", "erfc", "erfcf", "erfcl", "errno", "exit",
! "exp", "exp2", "exp2f", "exp2l", "expf", "expl", 
! "expm1", "expm1f", "expm1l", "fabs", "fabsf", "fabsl", "fclose",
! "fdim", "fdimf", "fdiml", "feclearexcept", "fegetenv", "fegetexceptflag",
! "fegetround", "feholdexcept", "feof", "feraiseexcept", "ferror",
! "fesetenv", "fesetexceptflag", "fesetround", "fetestexcept",
! "feupdateenv", "fflush", "fgetc", "fgetpos", "fgets", "fgetwc", "fgetws",
! "floor", "floorf", "floorl", "fma", "fmaf", "fmal",
! "fmax", "fmaxf", "fmaxl", "fmin", "fminf", "fminl",
! "fmod", "fmodf", "fmodl", "fopen", "fpclassify", "fprintf",
! "fputc", "fputs", "fputwc", "fputws", "fread", "free", "freopen",
! "frexp", "frexpf", "frexpl", "fscanf", "fseek", "fsetpos", "ftell",
! "fwide", "fwprintf", "fwrite", "fwscanf", "getc",
! "getchar", "getenv", "gets", "getwc", "getwchar", "gmtime",
! "hypot", "hypotf", "hypotl", "ilogb", "ilogbf", "ilogbl",
! "imaxabs", "imaxdiv", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isblank",
! "iscntrl", "isdigit", "isfinite", "isgraph", "isgreater",
! "isgreaterequal", "isinf", "isless", "islessequal", "islessgreater",
! "islower", "isnan", "isnormal", "isprint", "ispunct",
! "isspace", "isunordered", "isupper", "iswalnum", "iswalpha", "iswblank",
! "iswcntrl", "iswctype", "iswdigit", "iswgraph", "iswlower", "iswprint",
! "iswpunct", "iswspace", "iswupper", "iswxdigit", "isxdigit",
! "labs", "ldexp", "ldexpf", "ldexpl", "ldiv",
! "lgamma", "lgammaf", "lgammal", "llabs", "lldiv",
! "llrint", "llrintf", "llrintl", "llround", "llroundf", "llroundl",
! "localeconv", "localtime",
! "log", "log10", "log10f", "log10l", "log1p", "log1pf", "log1pl",
! "log2", "log2f", "log2l", "logb", "logbf", "logbl", "logf", "logl",
! "longjmp", "lrint", "lrintf", "lrintl", "lround", "lroundf", "lroundl",
! "main", "malloc", "mblen", "mbrlen", "mbrtowc", "mbsinit",
! "mbsrtowcs", "mbstowcs", "mbtowc", "memchr", "memcmp",
! "memcpy", "memmove", "memset", "mktime",
! "modf", "modff", "modfl", "nan", "nanf", "nanl",
! "nearbyint", "nearbyintf", "nearbyintl",
! "nextafter", "nextafterf", "nextafterl",
! "nexttoward", "nexttowardf", "nexttowardl",
! "perror", "pow", "powf", "powl", "printf", "putc", "putchar", "puts",
! "putwc", "putwchar", "qsort", "raise", "rand", "realloc",
! "remainder", "remainderf", "remainderl",
! "remove", "remquo", "remquof", "remquol", "rename", "rewind",
! "rint", "rintf", "rintl", "round", "roundf", "roundl",
! "scalbln", "scalblnf", "scalblnl", "scalbn", "scalbnf", "scalbnl",
! "scanf", "setbuf", "setjmp", "setlocale", "setvbuf",
! "signal", "signbit", "sin", "sinf", "sinh", "sinhf", "sinhl", "sinl",
! "snprintf", "sprintf", "sqrt", "sqrtf", "sqrtl",
  "srand", "sscanf", "strcat", "strchr", "strcmp", "strcoll", "strcpy",
  "strcspn", "strerror", "strftime", "strlen", "strncat", "strncmp",
! "strncpy", "strpbrk", "strrchr", "strspn", "strstr",
! "strtod", "strtof", "strtoimax", "strtok",
! "strtol", "strtold", "strtoll", "strtoul", "strtoull",
! "strtoumax", "strxfrm", "swprinf", "swscanf", "system",
! "tan", "tanf", "tanh", "tanhf", "tanhl", "tanl",
! "tgamma", "tgammaf", "tgammal", "time", "tmpfile", "tmpnam",
! "tolower", "toupper", "towctrans", "towlower", "towupper",
! "trunc", "truncf", "truncl", "tzname", "ungetc", "ungetwc",
! "vfprintf", "vfscanf", "vfwprintf", "vfwscanf", "vprintf",
! "vscanf", "vsnprintf", "vsprintf", "vsscanf", "vswprintf", "vswscanf",
! "vwprintf", "vwscanf", "wcrtomb",
! "wcscat", "wcschr", "wcscmp", "wcscoll", "wcscpy", "wcscspn", "wcsftime",
! "wcslen", "wcsncat", "wcsncmp", "wcsncpy", "wcspbrk", "wcsrchr",
! "wcsrtombs", "wcsspn", "wcsstr", "wcstod", "wcstof",
! "wcstoimax", "wcstok", "wcstol", "wcstold", "wcstoll",
! "wcstombs", "wcstoul", "wcstoull", "wcstoumax",
! "wcsxfrm", "wctob", "wctomb", "wctrans",
! "wctype", "wmemchr", "wmemcmp", "wmemcpy",
  "wmemmove", "wmemset", "wprintf", "wscanf", 0
--- 20,102 ----
     not a function, and we can't stub it.  ctime() sets tzname, and
     ctime is ANSI and tzname is POSIX.  Sigh. */
! char *ansi_c89_fns[] = { "abort", "abs", "acos", "asctime", "asin",
! "atan", "atan2", "atexit", "atof", "atoi", "atol", "bsearch",
! "calloc", "ceil", "clearerr", "clock", "cos", "cosh", "ctime",
! "difftime", "div", "errno", "exit", "exp", "fabs", "fclose", "feof",
! "ferror", "fflush", "fgetc", "fgetpos", "fgets", "floor", "fmod",
! "fopen", "fprintf", "fputc", "fputs", "fread", "free", "freopen",
! "frexp", "fscanf", "fseek", "fsetpos", "ftell", "fwrite", "getc",
! "getchar", "getenv", "gets", "gmtime", "isalnum", "isalpha",
! "iscntrl", "isdigit", "isgraph", "islower", "isprint", "ispunct",
! "isspace", "isupper", "isxdigit", "labs", "ldexp", "ldiv",
! "localeconv", "localtime", "log", "log10", "longjmp", "main",
! "malloc", "mblen", "mbstowcs", "mbtowc", "memchr", "memcmp", "memcpy",
! "memmove", "memset", "mktime", "modf", "perror", "pow", "printf",
! "putc", "putchar", "puts", "qsort", "raise", "rand", "realloc",
! "remove", "rename", "rewind", "scanf", "setbuf", "setjmp",
! "setlocale", "setvbuf", "signal", "sin", "sinh", "sprintf", "sqrt",
  "srand", "sscanf", "strcat", "strchr", "strcmp", "strcoll", "strcpy",
  "strcspn", "strerror", "strftime", "strlen", "strncat", "strncmp",
! "strncpy", "strpbrk", "strrchr", "strspn", "strstr", "strtod",
! "strtok", "strtol", "strtoul", "strxfrm", "system", "tan", "tanh",
! "time", "tmpfile", "tmpnam", "tolower", "toupper", "tzname", "ungetc",
! "vfprintf", "vprintf", "vsprintf", "wcstombs", "wctomb", 0
! };
! char *ansi_c99_fns[] = { "_Exit", "acosf", "acosh", "acoshf",
! "acoshl", "acosl", "asinf", "asinh", "asinhf", "asinhl", "asinl",
! "atan2f", "atan2l", "atanf", "atanh", "atanhf", "atanhl", "atanl",
! "atoll", "btowc", "cabs", "cabsf", "cabsl", "cacos", "cacosf",
! "cacosh", "cacoshf", "cacoshl", "cacosl", "carg", "cargf", "cargl",
! "casin", "casinf", "casinh", "casinhf", "casinhl", "casinl", "catan",
! "catanf", "catanh", "catanhf", "catanhl", "catanl", "cbrt", "cbrtf",
! "cbrtl", "ccos", "ccosf", "ccosh", "ccoshf", "ccoshl", "ccosl",
! "ceilf", "ceill", "cexp", "cexpf", "cexpl", "cimag", "cimagf",
! "cimagl", "clog", "clogf", "clogl", "conj", "conjf", "conjl",
! "copysign", "copysignf", "copysignl", "cosf", "coshf", "coshl",
! "cosl", "cpow", "cpowf", "cpowl", "cproj", "cprojf", "cprojl",
! "creal", "crealf", "creall", "csin", "csinf", "csinh", "csinhf",
! "csinhl", "csinl", "csqrt", "csqrtf", "csqrtl", "ctan", "ctanf",
! "ctanh", "ctanhf", "ctanhl", "ctanl", "erf", "erff", "erfl", "erfc",
! "erfcf", "erfcl", "exp2", "exp2f", "exp2l", "expf", "expl", "expm1",
! "expm1f", "expm1l", "fabsf", "fabsl", "fdim", "fdimf", "fdiml",
! "feclearexcept", "fegetenv", "fegetexceptflag", "fegetround",
! "feholdexcept", "feraiseexcept", "fesetenv", "fesetexceptflag",
! "fesetround", "fetestexcept", "feupdateenv", "fgetwc", "fgetws",
! "fwscanf", "floorf", "floorl", "fma", "fmaf", "fmal", "fmax", "fmaxf",
! "fmaxl", "fmin", "fminf", "fminl", "fmodf", "fmodl", "fpclassify",
! "fputwc", "fputws", "frexpf", "frexpl", "fwide", "fwprintf", "getwc",
! "getwchar", "hypot", "hypotf", "hypotl", "ilogb", "ilogbf", "ilogbl",
! "imaxabs", "imaxdiv", "isblank", "isfinite", "isgreater",
! "isgreaterequal", "isinf", "isless", "islessequal", "islessgreater",
! "isnan", "isnormal", "isunordered", "iswalnum", "iswalpha",
! "iswblank", "iswcntrl", "iswctype", "iswdigit", "iswgraph",
! "iswlower", "iswprint", "iswpunct", "iswspace", "iswupper",
! "iswxdigit", "ldexpf", "ldexpl", "lgamma", "lgammaf", "lgammal",
! "llabs", "lldiv", "llrint", "llrintf", "llrintl", "llround",
! "llroundf", "llroundl", "log1p", "log2", "logb", "log10f", "log10l",
! "log1pf", "log1pl", "log2f", "log2l", "logbf", "logbl", "logf",
! "logl", "lrint", "lrintf", "lrintl", "lround", "lroundf", "lroundl",
! "mbrlen", "mbrtowc", "mbsinit", "mbsrtowcs", "modff", "modfl",
! "nan", "nanf", "nanl", "nearbyint", "nearbyintf", "nearbyintl",
! "nextafter", "nextafterf", "nextafterl", "nexttoward", "nexttowardf",
! "nexttowardl", "powf", "powl", "putwc", "putwchar", "remainder",
! "remainderf", "remainderl", "remquo", "remquof", "remquol", "rint",
! "rintf", "rintl", "round", "roundf", "roundl", "scalbln", "scalblnf",
! "scalblnl", "scalbn", "scalbnf", "scalbnl", "signbit", "sinf",
! "sinhf", "sinhl", "sinl", "snprintf", "strtoimax", "strtoumax",
! "sqrtf", "sqrtl", "strtof", "strtold", "strtoll", "strtoull",
! "swprinf", "swscanf", "tanf", "tanhf", "tanhl", "tanl", "tgamma",
! "tgammaf", "tgammal", "towctrans", "towlower", "towupper", "trunc",
! "truncf", "truncl", "ungetwc", "vfscanf", "vfwprintf", "vfwscanf",
! "vscanf", "vsnprintf",  "vsscanf", "vswprintf", "vswscanf",
! "vwprintf", "vwscanf", "wcrtomb", "wcscat", "wcschr", "wcscmp",
! "wcscoll", "wcscpy", "wcscspn", "wcsftime", "wcslen", "wcsncat",
! "wcsncmp", "wcsncpy", "wcspbrk", "wcsrchr", "wcsrtombs", "wcsspn",
! "wcsstr", "wcstod", "wcstof", "wcstoimax", "wcstok", "wcstol",
! "wcstold", "wcstoll", "wcstoul", "wcstoull", "wcstoumax", "wcsxfrm",
! "wctob", "wctrans", "wctype", "wmemchr", "wmemcmp", "wmemcpy",
  "wmemmove", "wmemset", "wprintf", "wscanf", 0
*************** char *posix_fns[] = { "_exit", "_longjmp
*** 187,206 ****
  "y0", "y1", "yn", 0
! #define Tansi	0x01
! #define Tposix	0x02
! #define Tallow	0x04
! #define Tother	0x08
! #define Tstub	0x10
  int name2type(char *c)
    int i;
    if (c[0] == '_')
      return Tallow;
!   for (i=0; ansi_fns[i]; i++)
!     if (strcmp(ansi_fns[i], c) == 0)
!       return Tansi;
    for (i=0; posix_fns[i]; i++)
      if (strcmp(posix_fns[i], c) == 0)
        return Tposix;
--- 176,199 ----
  "y0", "y1", "yn", 0
! #define Tansi_c89	0x01
! #define Tansi_c99	0x02
! #define Tposix		0x04
! #define Tallow		0x08
! #define Tother		0x10
! #define Tstub		0x20
  int name2type(char *c)
    int i;
    if (c[0] == '_')
      return Tallow;
!   for (i=0; ansi_c89_fns[i]; i++)
!     if (strcmp(ansi_c89_fns[i], c) == 0)
!       return Tansi_c89;
!   for (i=0; ansi_c99_fns[i]; i++)
!     if (strcmp(ansi_c99_fns[i], c) == 0)
!       return Tansi_c99;
    for (i=0; posix_fns[i]; i++)
      if (strcmp(posix_fns[i], c) == 0)
        return Tposix;
*************** int name2type(char *c)
*** 214,219 ****
--- 207,213 ----
    return Tother;
+ #if 0
  char *type2name(int t)
    static char buf[10][10];
*************** char *type2name(int t)
*** 228,233 ****
--- 222,228 ----
    *bp = 0;
    return buf[bpi];
+ #endif
*************** void diagnose_obj(Object *obj)
*** 250,264 ****
    int i, title=1;
    int dtp=0, rtp=0;
!   if ((obj->df & Tansi) && (obj->rf & Tposix))
!     printf("%s: (A) -> (P)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi; rtp |= Tposix;
!   else if ((obj->df & Tansi) && (obj->rf & Tother))
!     printf("%s: (A) -> (O)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi; rtp |= Tother;
    else if ((obj->df & Tposix) && (obj->rf & Tother))
--- 245,274 ----
    int i, title=1;
    int dtp=0, rtp=0;
!   if ((obj->df & Tansi_c89) && (obj->rf & Tposix))
!   {
!     printf("%s: (C89) -> (P)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi_c89; rtp |= Tposix;
!   }
!   if ((obj->df & Tansi_c89) && (obj->rf & Tansi_c99))
!     printf("%s: (C89) -> (C99)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi_c89; rtp |= Tposix;
!   else if ((obj->df & Tansi_c89) && (obj->rf & Tother))
!     printf("%s: (C89) -> (O)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi_c89; rtp |= Tother;
!   }
!   else if ((obj->df & Tansi_c99) && (obj->rf & Tposix))
!   {
!     printf("%s: (C99) -> (P)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi_c99; rtp |= Tposix;
!   }
!   else if ((obj->df & Tansi_c99) && (obj->rf & Tother))
!   {
!     printf("%s: (C99) -> (O)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi_c99; rtp |= Tother;
    else if ((obj->df & Tposix) && (obj->rf & Tother))
*************** void diagnose_obj(Object *obj)
*** 268,288 ****
    else if ((obj->df & Tposix) && (obj->df & Tother))
      printf("%s: (P),(O)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi|Tposix;
!   else if ((obj->df & Tansi) && (obj->df & Tother))
!     printf("%s: (A),(O)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi|Tother;
!   else if ((obj->df & Tansi) && (obj->df & Tposix))
!     printf("%s: (A),(P)\n", n);
      dtp |= Tother|Tposix;
!   if ((obj->df & Tposix && obj->lf & Tansi)
!       || ((obj->df & Tother && obj->lf & (Tansi | Tposix))))
      dtp = -1;
      rtp = -1;
--- 278,308 ----
    else if ((obj->df & Tposix) && (obj->df & Tother))
      printf("%s: (P),(O)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi_c89|Tansi_c99|Tposix;
!   }
!   else if ((obj->df & Tansi_c89) && (obj->df & Tother))
!   {
!     printf("%s: (C89),(O)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi_c89|Tother;
!   }
!   else if ((obj->df & Tansi_c89) && (obj->df & Tposix))
!   {
!     printf("%s: (C89),(P)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tother|Tposix;
!   else if ((obj->df & Tansi_c99) && (obj->df & Tother))
!     printf("%s: (C99),(O)\n", n);
!     dtp |= Tansi_c99|Tother;
!   else if ((obj->df & Tansi_c99) && (obj->df & Tposix))
!     printf("%s: (C99),(P)\n", n);
      dtp |= Tother|Tposix;
!   if ((obj->df & Tposix && obj->lf & (Tansi_c89 | Tansi_c99))
!       || ((obj->df & Tother && obj->lf & (Tansi_c89 | Tansi_c99 | Tposix))))
      dtp = -1;
      rtp = -1;
*************** main()
*** 471,477 ****
    for (obj=Object::first; obj; obj=obj->next)
!   do_missing("ANSI", ansi_fns, all_defs);
    do_missing("POSIX", posix_fns, all_defs);
    return 0;
--- 491,498 ----
    for (obj=Object::first; obj; obj=obj->next)
!   do_missing("ANSI C89", ansi_c89_fns, all_defs);
!   do_missing("ANSI C99", ansi_c99_fns, all_defs);
    do_missing("POSIX", posix_fns, all_defs);
    return 0;

- Raw text -

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