Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2001/06/15/08:09:23

From: pavenis AT lanet DOT lv
To: djgpp-workers AT delorie DOT com
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 15:08:50 +0300
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: [PATCH] Update to stubedit and stubify
Message-ID: <3B2A2502.972.C46699@localhost>
X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.12c)
Reply-To: djgpp-workers AT delorie DOT com

Here is update for stubedit and stubify. 

Initial reason for that was wish to be able to specify stack size in gcc command 
line with option -stack=...  .  If such option is available we could add it to LDFLAGS
when some package would require larger stack size for executables

It can be easily done when output file extension .exe  is explicitly specified but 
I didn't find easy way how to do that for
	gcc foo.c -stack=1024K -o foo

To make it more easy I added command line option -x for stubedit which forces it 
to always use extension .exe. 

At the same time I saw that both stubify unconditionally uses directory 
separators "/\\:" which is true for DJGPP but not for cross-tools. Also changed 
to use malloced buffer for filename instead of local

After modifying link command spec for gcc-3.0 prerelease (added last line) 
command line option -stack= works Ok. There should be no problems to do 
the same also for gcc-2.95.X


%{!fsyntax-only: %{!c:%{!M:%{!MM:%{!E:%{!S:%(linker) %l %X %{o*} %{A} %{d} %{e*} %{m} %{N} %{n} 	%{r} %{s} %{t} %{u*} %{x} %{z} %{Z}	%{!A:%{!nostdlib:%{!nostartfiles:%S}}}	%{static:} %{L*} %D %o	%{!nostdlib:%{!nodefaultlibs:%G %L %G}}	%{!A:%{!nostdlib:%{!nostartfiles:%E}}}	-Tdjgpp.djl %{T*}}}}}}}
%{!c:%{!M:%{!MM:%{!E:%{!S:stubify %{v} %{o*:%*} %{!o*:a.out} }}}}}
%{!c:%{!M:%{!MM:%{!E:%{!S:%{stack=*:stubedit -x %{o*:%*} %{!o*:a.out} minstack=%* }}}}}}

*** djgpp/src/stub/stubedit.c~3	Sun Jun 10 02:00:44 2001
--- djgpp/src/stub/stubedit.c	Fri Jun 15 15:02:02 2001
*** 6,16 ****
--- 6,24 ----
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
  #ifdef __DJGPP__
  #include <io.h>
+ #if defined(__DJGPP__) || defined(_WIN32)
+ #define DIR_SEPARATOR "/\\:"
+ #else
+ #define DIR_SEPARATOR "/"
+ #endif
  #include "../../include/stubinfo.h"
  unsigned long size_of_stubinfo = 0;
*** 214,221 ****
  void give_help(void)
    size_t i;
!   fprintf(stderr, "Usage: stubedit [-v] [-h] filename.exe [field=value . . . ]\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "-h = give help   -v = view info  field=value means set w/o prompt\n");
    fprintf(stderr, HFORMAT, "-field-", "-description-");
    for (i=0; i < NUM_FIELDS; i++)
--- 222,230 ----
  void give_help(void)
    size_t i;
!   fprintf(stderr, "Usage: stubedit [-v] [-h] [-x] filename.exe [field=value . . . ]\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "-h = give help   -v = view info  field=value means set w/o prompt\n");
+   fprintf(stderr, "-x = always use extension .exe\n");
    fprintf(stderr, HFORMAT, "-field-", "-description-");
    for (i=0; i < NUM_FIELDS; i++)
*** 226,233 ****
--- 235,244 ----
  int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int view_only = 0;
+   int auto_complete = 0;
    size_t i;
    int need_to_save;
+   char * arg1;
    if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0)
*** 239,248 ****
    if (argc < 2)
!   find_info(argv[1]);
    if (view_only)
--- 250,289 ----
+   if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-x") == 0)
+   {
+     auto_complete = 1;
+     argc--;
+     argv++;
+   }
    if (argc < 2)
!   arg1 = argv[1];
!   if (auto_complete)
!   {
!     int len=strlen(arg1);
!     if (len>3 && strcasecmp(arg1+len-4,".exe")!=0)
!     {
!       char *ofname, *ofext=0; 
!       char * ofilename = (char *) malloc (5+len);
!       strcpy(ofilename, arg1);
!       for (ofname=ofilename; *ofname; ofname++)
!       {
!         if (strchr(DIR_SEPARATOR, *ofname))
! 	  ofext = 0;
!         if (*ofname == '.')
! 	  ofext = ofname;
!       }
!       if (ofext == 0)
!         ofext = ofilename + strlen(ofilename);
!       strcpy(ofext, ".exe");
!       arg1=ofilename;
!     }
!   }
!   find_info(arg1);
    if (view_only)
*** 291,297 ****
      if (got_any)
!       store_info(argv[1]);
      return 0;
--- 332,338 ----
      if (got_any)
!       store_info(arg1);
      return 0;
*** 310,316 ****
    if (need_to_save)
!     store_info(argv[1]);
    return 0;
--- 351,357 ----
    if (need_to_save)
!     store_info(arg1);
    return 0;
*** djgpp/src/stub/stubify.c~3	Tue Dec 14 14:01:36 1999
--- djgpp/src/stub/stubify.c	Fri Jun 15 15:01:44 2001
*** 21,26 ****
--- 21,33 ----
  #define O_BINARY 0
+ #if defined(__DJGPP__) || defined(_WIN32)
+ #define DIR_SEPARATOR "/\\:"
+ #else
+ #define DIR_SEPARATOR "/"
+ #endif
  const unsigned char stub_bytes[] = {
  #include "stub.h"
*** 257,269 ****
    if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-g") == 0)
!     char ofilename[256], *ofname, *ofext=0;
      int ofile;
      strcpy(ofilename, argv[2]);
      for (ofname=ofilename; *ofname; ofname++)
!       if (strchr("/\\:", *ofname))
  	ofext = 0;
        if (*ofname == '.')
  	ofext = ofname;
--- 264,277 ----
    if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-g") == 0)
!     char *ofname, *ofext=0;
      int ofile;
!     char *ofilename = (char *) malloc (5+strlen(argv[2]));
!     if (!ofilename) abort();
      strcpy(ofilename, argv[2]);
      for (ofname=ofilename; *ofname; ofname++)
!       if (strchr(DIR_SEPARATOR, *ofname))
  	ofext = 0;
        if (*ofname == '.')
  	ofext = ofname;

- Raw text -

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