Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2003/12/01/07:22:11
Source and binary archives of pkgconfig-0.15 ( and
are now available from DJGPP distribution in directory v2gnu/alphas. It's not
much tested, so use at Your own risk.
Here is pkg-config man page contents:
Here is (I think it's more clear rather than README from source archive)
pkg-config - Return metainformation about installed libraries
pkg-config [--modversion] [--help] [--print-errors] [--silence-
errors] [--cflags] [--libs] [--libs-only-L] [--libs-only-l]
[--cflags-only-I] [--variable=VARIABLENAME] [--define-variable=VARI-
ABLENAME=VARIABLEVALUE] [--uninstalled] [--exists] [--atleast-ver-
sion=VERSION] [--exact-version=VERSION] [--max-version=VERSION]
The pkg-config program is used to retrieve information about
installed libraries in the system. It is typically used to compile
and link against one or more libraries. Here is a typical usage sce-
nario in a Makefile:
program: program.c
cc program.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gnomeui`
pkg-config retrieves information about packages from special metadata
files. These files are named after the package, with the extension
.pc. By default, pkg-config looks in the directory prefix/lib/pkgcon-
fig for these files; it will also look in the colon-separated (on
Windows, semicolon-separated) list of directories specified by the
PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
The package name specified on the pkg-config command line is defined
to be the name of the metadata file, minus the .pc extension. If a
library can install multiple versions simultaneously, it must give
each version its own name (for example, GTK 1.2 might have the pack-
age name "gtk+" while GTK 2.0 has "gtk+-2.0").
pkg-config is used for GNOME, but several libraries which use it can be rather
easily built for DJGPP. Some examples:
glib-2.2.X (I have sometimes tested glib-2.2.1, currently latest is glib-2.2.3
and glib-2.3.0)
libsigc++-1.2.5 (also current unstable version, eg. libsigc++1.9.12): it build
and works Ok under Win9X, but requires LFN support.
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