Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2003/03/31/12:47:33.1
Below is a patch to fix a couple of documentation issues:
* Some uses of @ref do not have a comma or full-stop (period)
after them. I've used @pxref in most cases.
* When describing what a function sets the error code to,
@var{errno} is incorrect. It should be @code{errno}.
OK to commit?
Thanks, bye, Rich =]
Index: src/libc/ansi/stdio/rename.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/ansi/stdio/rename.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 rename.txh
*** src/libc/ansi/stdio/rename.txh 5 Mar 2003 19:42:31 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/ansi/stdio/rename.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:26:53 -0000
*************** int rename(const char *oldname, const ch
*** 12,31 ****
This function renames an existing file or directory @var{oldname} to
@var{newname}. If @var{newname} exists, then it is first removed. If
! @var{newname} is a directory, it must be empty (or else @var{errno} will
be set to @code{ENOTEMPTY}), and must not include @var{oldname} in its
! path prefix (otherwise, @var{errno} will be set to @code{EINVAL}). If
@var{newname} exists, both @var{oldname} and @var{newname} must be of the
! same type (both directories or both regular files) (or else @var{errno}
will be set to @code{ENOTDIR} or @code{EISDIR}), and must reside on the
! same logical device (otherwise, @var{errno} will be set to @code{EXDEV}).
Wildcards are not allowed in either @var{oldname} or @var{newname}. DOS
won't allow renaming a current directory even on a non-default drive (you
! will get the @code{EBUSY} or @code{EINVAL} in @var{errno}).
@code{ENAMETOOLONG} will be returned for pathnames which are longer than
! the limit imposed by DOS. If @var{oldname} doesn't exist, @var{errno}
will be set to @code{ENOENT}. For most of the other calamities, DOS will
! usually set @var{errno} to @code{EACCES}.
If anything goes wrong during the operation of @code{rename()}, the
function tries very hard to leave the things as ther were before it was
--- 12,31 ----
This function renames an existing file or directory @var{oldname} to
@var{newname}. If @var{newname} exists, then it is first removed. If
! @var{newname} is a directory, it must be empty (or else @code{errno} will
be set to @code{ENOTEMPTY}), and must not include @var{oldname} in its
! path prefix (otherwise, @code{errno} will be set to @code{EINVAL}). If
@var{newname} exists, both @var{oldname} and @var{newname} must be of the
! same type (both directories or both regular files) (or else @code{errno}
will be set to @code{ENOTDIR} or @code{EISDIR}), and must reside on the
! same logical device (otherwise, @code{errno} will be set to @code{EXDEV}).
Wildcards are not allowed in either @var{oldname} or @var{newname}. DOS
won't allow renaming a current directory even on a non-default drive (you
! will get the @code{EBUSY} or @code{EINVAL} in @code{errno}).
@code{ENAMETOOLONG} will be returned for pathnames which are longer than
! the limit imposed by DOS. If @var{oldname} doesn't exist, @code{errno}
will be set to @code{ENOENT}. For most of the other calamities, DOS will
! usually set @code{errno} to @code{EACCES}.
If anything goes wrong during the operation of @code{rename()}, the
function tries very hard to leave the things as ther were before it was
Index: src/libc/compat/stdlib/getlongp.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/compat/stdlib/getlongp.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -p -c -3 -r1.3 getlongp.txh
*** src/libc/compat/stdlib/getlongp.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:41:11 -0000 1.3
--- src/libc/compat/stdlib/getlongp.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:26:53 -0000
*************** cause the calling program to @code{exit(
*** 19,25 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Zero if successful, -1 on error (and @var{errno} is set to an
appropriate value).
@subheading Portability
--- 19,25 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Zero if successful, -1 on error (and @code{errno} is set to an
appropriate value).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/crt0/crt0.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/crt0/crt0.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -p -c -3 -r1.6 crt0.txh
*** src/libc/crt0/crt0.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:46:06 -0000 1.6
--- src/libc/crt0/crt0.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:26:59 -0000
*************** Normally, this is done transparently thr
*** 17,23 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Zero if the break was changed, -1 if not. @var{errno} is set to the
@subheading Portability
--- 17,23 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Zero if the break was changed, -1 if not. @code{errno} is set to the
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_close.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_close.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -p -c -3 -r1.3 d_close.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_close.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.3
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_close.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:26:59 -0000
*************** This function closes the specified file.
*** 18,24 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @var{errno}).
@subheading Portability
--- 18,24 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @code{errno}).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_commit.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_commit.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -p -c -3 -r1.3 d_commit.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_commit.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.3
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_commit.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:05 -0000
*************** This function flushes DOS internal file
*** 15,21 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @var{errno}).
@subheading Portability
--- 15,21 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @code{errno}).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_creat.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_creat.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 d_creat.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_creat.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_creat.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:06 -0000
*************** see @ref{creat}, and @ref{open}, which a
*** 51,57 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @var{errno})
@subheading Portability
--- 51,57 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @code{errno})
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_creatn.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_creatn.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 d_creatn.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_creatn.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_creatn.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:10 -0000
*************** see @ref{creat}, and @ref{open}, which a
*** 51,57 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @var{errno}).
@subheading Portability
--- 51,57 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @code{errno}).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_findf.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_findf.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 d_findf.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_findf.txh 7 Feb 2003 18:13:52 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_findf.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:11 -0000
*************** Also see @ref{opendir}, and @ref{readdir
*** 73,79 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Zero if a match is found, DOS error code if not found (and sets @var{errno}).
@subheading Portability
--- 73,79 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Zero if a match is found, DOS error code if not found (and sets @code{errno}).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_findn.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_findn.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -p -c -3 -r1.4 d_findn.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_findn.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.4
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_findn.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:21 -0000
*************** Also see @ref{opendir}, and @ref{readdir
*** 20,26 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Zero if a match is found, DOS error code if not found (and sets @var{errno}).
@subheading Portability
--- 20,26 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Zero if a match is found, DOS error code if not found (and sets @code{errno}).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_getfa.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_getfa.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -p -c -3 -r1.4 d_getfa.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_getfa.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.4
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_getfa.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:21 -0000
*************** with similar functionality see @ref{_chm
*** 56,62 ****
@subheading Return Value
Returns with 0 if successful and DOS error value on error (and sets
! @var{errno}=ENOENT).
@subheading Portability
--- 56,62 ----
@subheading Return Value
Returns with 0 if successful and DOS error value on error (and sets
! @code{errno}=ENOENT).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_getftm.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_getftm.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -p -c -3 -r1.4 d_getftm.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_getftm.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.4
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_getftm.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:31 -0000
*************** get the other two times. Also see @ref{
*** 49,55 ****
@subheading Return Value
Returns 0 if successful and return DOS error on error (and sets
! @var{errno}=EBADF).
@subheading Portability
--- 49,55 ----
@subheading Return Value
Returns 0 if successful and return DOS error on error (and sets
! @code{errno}=EBADF).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_open.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_open.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 d_open.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_open.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_open.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:31 -0000
*************** Posix-standard.
*** 81,87 ****
@subheading Return Value
Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets
! @var{errno} to EACCES, EINVAL, EMFILE or ENOENT).
@subheading Portability
--- 81,87 ----
@subheading Return Value
Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets
! @code{errno} to EACCES, EINVAL, EMFILE or ENOENT).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_read.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_read.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 d_read.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_read.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_read.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:44 -0000
*************** See also @ref{_dos_open}, @ref{_dos_crea
*** 22,28 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @var{errno}
@subheading Portability
--- 22,28 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @code{errno}
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_setdat.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_setdat.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -p -c -3 -r1.3 d_setdat.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_setdat.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.3
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_setdat.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:44 -0000
*************** struct dosdate_t @{
*** 28,34 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful and non-zero on error (and sets @var{errno}=EINVAL).
@subheading Portability
--- 28,34 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful and non-zero on error (and sets @code{errno}=EINVAL).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_setfa.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_setfa.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -p -c -3 -r1.3 d_setfa.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_setfa.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.3
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_setfa.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:56 -0000
*************** is Posix-standard.
*** 55,61 ****
@subheading Return Value
Returns with 0 if successful and DOS error value on error (and sets
! @var{errno} to ENOENT or EACCES).
@subheading Portability
--- 55,61 ----
@subheading Return Value
Returns with 0 if successful and DOS error value on error (and sets
! @code{errno} to ENOENT or EACCES).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_setftm.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_setftm.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -p -c -3 -r1.4 d_setftm.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_setftm.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.4
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_setftm.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:27:56 -0000
*************** Posix-standard, and see @ref{utimes}.
*** 48,54 ****
@subheading Return Value
Returns 0 if successful and return DOS error on error (and sets
! @var{errno}=EBADF).
@subheading Portability
--- 48,54 ----
@subheading Return Value
Returns 0 if successful and return DOS error on error (and sets
! @code{errno}=EBADF).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_settim.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_settim.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -p -c -3 -r1.3 d_settim.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_settim.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.3
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_settim.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:28:32 -0000
*************** struct dostime_t @{
*** 26,32 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful and non-zero on error (and sets @var{errno}=EINVAL).
@subheading Portability
--- 26,32 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful and non-zero on error (and sets @code{errno}=EINVAL).
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/compat/d_write.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/compat/d_write.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 d_write.txh
*** src/libc/dos/compat/d_write.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/dos/compat/d_write.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:28:37 -0000
*************** See also @ref{_dos_open}, @ref{_dos_crea
*** 23,29 ****
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @var{errno}
@subheading Portability
--- 23,29 ----
@subheading Return Value
! Returns 0 if successful or DOS error code on error (and sets @code{errno}
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/dir/ftreewlk.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/dir/ftreewlk.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -p -c -3 -r1.6 ftreewlk.txh
*** src/libc/dos/dir/ftreewlk.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:41 -0000 1.6
--- src/libc/dos/dir/ftreewlk.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:29:31 -0000
*************** file.
*** 22,28 ****
This function always visits a directory before any of its siblings. The
argument @var{dir} must be a directory, or @code{__file_tree_walk} will fail
! and set @var{errno} to @code{ENOTDIR}. The directory @var{dir} itself is
never passed to @var{func}.
The tree traversal continues until one of the following events:
--- 22,28 ----
This function always visits a directory before any of its siblings. The
argument @var{dir} must be a directory, or @code{__file_tree_walk} will fail
! and set @code{errno} to @code{ENOTDIR}. The directory @var{dir} itself is
never passed to @var{func}.
The tree traversal continues until one of the following events:
*************** success.
*** 36,42 ****
@var{func} returned.
(3) An error is detected within @code{__file_tree_walk}. In that case,
! @code{ftw} returns -1 and sets @var{errno} (@pxref{errno}) to a suitable
@subheading Return Value
--- 36,42 ----
@var{func} returned.
(3) An error is detected within @code{__file_tree_walk}. In that case,
! @code{ftw} returns -1 and sets @code{errno} (@pxref{errno}) to a suitable
@subheading Return Value
Index: src/libc/dos/dir/ftw.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/dir/ftw.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -p -c -3 -r1.3 ftw.txh
*** src/libc/dos/dir/ftw.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:47:41 -0000 1.3
--- src/libc/dos/dir/ftw.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:29:31 -0000
*************** garbled.
*** 51,57 ****
This function always visits a directory before any of its siblings. The
argument @var{dir} must be a directory, or @code{ftw} will fail and set
! @var{errno} to @code{ENOTDIR}. The function @var{func} is called with
@var{dir} as its argument before the recursive descent begins.
The @var{depth} argument has no meaning in the DJGPP implementation and is
--- 51,57 ----
This function always visits a directory before any of its siblings. The
argument @var{dir} must be a directory, or @code{ftw} will fail and set
! @code{errno} to @code{ENOTDIR}. The function @var{func} is called with
@var{dir} as its argument before the recursive descent begins.
The @var{depth} argument has no meaning in the DJGPP implementation and is
*************** processed). In this case, @code{ftw} re
*** 67,73 ****
(3) An error is detected within @code{ftw}. In that case, @code{ftw}
! returns -1 and sets @var{errno} (@pxref{errno}) to a suitable value.
@subheading Return Value
--- 67,73 ----
(3) An error is detected within @code{ftw}. In that case, @code{ftw}
! returns -1 and sets @code{errno} (@pxref{errno}) to a suitable value.
@subheading Return Value
Index: src/libc/dos/dos/getdinfo.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/dos/getdinfo.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 getdinfo.txh
*** src/libc/dos/dos/getdinfo.txh 14 Mar 2003 18:49:01 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/dos/dos/getdinfo.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:30:28 -0000
*************** short _get_dev_info(int handle);
*** 15,21 ****
Given a file handle in @var{handle}, this function returns the info word
from DOS IOCTL function 0 (Int 21h/AX=4400h). @var{handle} must refer
to an open file or device, otherwise the call will fail (and set
! @var{errno} to @code{EBADF}).
In case of success, the returned value is the coded information from the
system about the character device or the file which is referenced by the
--- 15,21 ----
Given a file handle in @var{handle}, this function returns the info word
from DOS IOCTL function 0 (Int 21h/AX=4400h). @var{handle} must refer
to an open file or device, otherwise the call will fail (and set
! @code{errno} to @code{EBADF}).
In case of success, the returned value is the coded information from the
system about the character device or the file which is referenced by the
*************** characters has been read.
*** 137,143 ****
@subheading Return Value
The device information word described above. In case of error, -1 is
! returned and @var{errno} is set to @code{EBADF}.
@subheading Portability
--- 137,143 ----
@subheading Return Value
The device information word described above. In case of error, -1 is
! returned and @code{errno} is set to @code{EBADF}.
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/dos/io/setmode.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/dos/io/setmode.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 setmode.txh
*** src/libc/dos/io/setmode.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:49:06 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/dos/io/setmode.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:30:42 -0000
*************** operation.
*** 35,41 ****
@subheading Return Value
When successful, the function will return the previous mode of the
! given @var{file}. In case of failure, -1 is returned and @var{errno}
is set.
@subheading Portability
--- 35,41 ----
@subheading Return Value
When successful, the function will return the previous mode of the
! given @var{file}. In case of failure, -1 is returned and @code{errno}
is set.
@subheading Portability
Index: src/libc/pc_hw/co80/conio.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/pc_hw/co80/conio.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -p -c -3 -r1.10 conio.txh
*** src/libc/pc_hw/co80/conio.txh 7 Feb 2003 18:13:54 -0000 1.10
--- src/libc/pc_hw/co80/conio.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:36:14 -0000
*************** int ungetch(int);
*** 303,310 ****
@subheading Description
! Puts a character back, so that @ref{getch} will return it instead of
! actually reading the console.
@subheading Return Value
--- 303,310 ----
@subheading Description
! Puts a character back, so that @code{getch} (@pxref{getch}) will return
! it instead of actually reading the console.
@subheading Return Value
*************** int _conio_kbhit(void);
*** 342,349 ****
Determines whether or not a character is waiting at the keyboard. If
there is an ungetch'd character, this function returns true. Note
! that if you include @code{conio.h}, the @ref{kbhit} function is
! redefined to be this function instead.
@subheading Return Value
--- 342,349 ----
Determines whether or not a character is waiting at the keyboard. If
there is an ungetch'd character, this function returns true. Note
! that if you include @code{conio.h}, the @code{kbhit} (@pxref{kbhit})
! function is redefined to be this function instead.
@subheading Return Value
*************** int gettext(int _left, int _top, int
*** 437,448 ****
Retrieve a block of screen characters into a buffer.
@code{gettext} is a macro defined in @code{conio.h} that will expand
! into @ref{_conio_gettext}. This is needed to resolve the name conflict
! existing between the @code{gettext} function from @code{libintl.a}
! defined in @code{libintl.h} and this one defined in @code{conio.h}.
If you want to use both @code{gettext} functions in the same source file
! you must use @ref{_conio_gettext} to get the @code{gettext} function from
! @code{conio.h}.
This means that if both headers are included in the same source file the
@code{gettext} keyword will always be reserved for the @code{gettext} function
defined in @code{libintl.h} and indeed will always make reference to the
--- 437,449 ----
Retrieve a block of screen characters into a buffer.
@code{gettext} is a macro defined in @code{conio.h} that will expand
! into @code{_conio_gettext} (@pxref{_conio_gettext}). This is needed
! to resolve the name conflict existing between the @code{gettext} function
! from @code{libintl.a} defined in @code{libintl.h} and this one defined
! in @code{conio.h}.
If you want to use both @code{gettext} functions in the same source file
! you must use @code{_conio_gettext} (@pxref{_conio_gettext})
! to get the @code{gettext} function from @code{conio.h}.
This means that if both headers are included in the same source file the
@code{gettext} keyword will always be reserved for the @code{gettext} function
defined in @code{libintl.h} and indeed will always make reference to the
Index: src/libc/pc_hw/co80/screen.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/pc_hw/co80/screen.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -p -c -3 -r1.4 screen.txh
*** src/libc/pc_hw/co80/screen.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:51:29 -0000 1.4
--- src/libc/pc_hw/co80/screen.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:36:21 -0000
*************** The first two variables (actually, they
*** 21,27 ****
the @var{_go32_info_block} structure @pxref{_go32_info_block}) allow
access to the video memory of the primary and secondary screens as if they
were arrays. To reference them, you must use dosmemget()/dosmemput()
! functions (@ref{dosmemget}, @ref{dosmemput}) or any one of the far
pointer functions (@pxref{_far*}), as the video memory is @emph{not} mapped
into your default address space.
--- 21,27 ----
the @var{_go32_info_block} structure @pxref{_go32_info_block}) allow
access to the video memory of the primary and secondary screens as if they
were arrays. To reference them, you must use dosmemget()/dosmemput()
! functions (@pxref{dosmemget}, @pxref{dosmemput}) or any one of the far
pointer functions (@pxref{_far*}), as the video memory is @emph{not} mapped
into your default address space.
*************** void ScreenRetrieve(void *buf);
*** 432,439 ****
This function stores a replica of the current primary screen contents in
the buffer pointed to by @var{buf}. It assumes without checking that
@var{buf} has enough storage to hold the data. The required storage can
! be computed as @code{ScreenRows()*ScreenCols()*2} (@ref{ScreenRows},
! @ref{ScreenCols}).
@subheading Return Value
--- 432,439 ----
This function stores a replica of the current primary screen contents in
the buffer pointed to by @var{buf}. It assumes without checking that
@var{buf} has enough storage to hold the data. The required storage can
! be computed as @code{ScreenRows()*ScreenCols()*2} (@pxref{ScreenRows},
! @pxref{ScreenCols}).
@subheading Return Value
Index: src/libc/pc_hw/mem/md.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/pc_hw/mem/md.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 md.txh
*** src/libc/pc_hw/mem/md.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:51:30 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/pc_hw/mem/md.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:36:40 -0000
*************** selectors passed are @emph{not} segment
*** 18,24 ****
protected mode selectors that can be obtained by the @code{_my_ds} and
@code{_go32_info_block.selector_for_linear_memory} (or just
@code{_dos_ds}, which is defined in the include file go32.h) functions
! (@ref{_my_ds}, @ref{_go32_info_block}).
The offsets are linear offsets. If the selector is for the program's
data area, this offset corresponds to the address of a buffer (like
@code{(unsigned)&something}). If the selector is for the conventional
--- 18,24 ----
protected mode selectors that can be obtained by the @code{_my_ds} and
@code{_go32_info_block.selector_for_linear_memory} (or just
@code{_dos_ds}, which is defined in the include file go32.h) functions
! (@pxref{_my_ds}, @pxref{_go32_info_block}).
The offsets are linear offsets. If the selector is for the program's
data area, this offset corresponds to the address of a buffer (like
@code{(unsigned)&something}). If the selector is for the conventional
Index: src/libc/posix/sys/stat/djbits.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/posix/sys/stat/djbits.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -p -c -3 -r1.6 djbits.txh
*** src/libc/posix/sys/stat/djbits.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:51:41 -0000 1.6
--- src/libc/posix/sys/stat/djbits.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:36:44 -0000
*************** execute access bit.
*** 36,42 ****
Tells @code{stat} and @code{fstat} to compute the execute access bit from
! magic signature (the first two bytes of the file), see @ref{_is_executable},
if the file-name extension is not enough for this.
Computing the execute access bit from the magic signature is by far the
--- 36,43 ----
Tells @code{stat} and @code{fstat} to compute the execute access bit from
! magic signature (the first two bytes of the file). Use
! @code{_is_executable} (@pxref{_is_executable}),
if the file-name extension is not enough for this.
Computing the execute access bit from the magic signature is by far the
*************** As proper operation of @code{stat} (@pxr
*** 101,110 ****
some incompatible environment or a future DOS version. If they do, the
@code{_djstat_fail_bits} variable will have some of its bits set. Each
bit describes a single feature which was used and failed. The function
! @ref{_djstat_describe_lossage} may be called to print a human-readable
! description of the bits which were set by the last call to
! @code{f?stat}. This should make debugging @code{f?stat} failures in
! an unanticipated environment a lot easier.
The following bits are currently defined:
--- 102,112 ----
some incompatible environment or a future DOS version. If they do, the
@code{_djstat_fail_bits} variable will have some of its bits set. Each
bit describes a single feature which was used and failed. The function
! @code{_djstat_describe_lossage} (@pxref{_djstat_describe_lossage})
! may be called to print a human-readable description of the bits
! which were set by the last call to @code{f?stat}. This should make
! debugging @code{f?stat} failures in an unanticipated environment
! a lot easier.
The following bits are currently defined:
Index: src/libc/posix/sys/stat/filelen.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/posix/sys/stat/filelen.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -p -c -3 -r1.5 filelen.txh
*** src/libc/posix/sys/stat/filelen.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:51:41 -0000 1.5
--- src/libc/posix/sys/stat/filelen.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:37:14 -0000
*************** long filelength(int fhandle);
*** 12,23 ****
This function returns the size, in bytes, of a file whose handle is
specified in the argument @var{fhandle}. To get the handle of a file
! opened by @ref{fopen} or @ref{freopen}, you can use @ref{fileno} macro.
@subheading Return Value
The size of the file in bytes, or (if any error occured) -1L and
! @var{errno} set to a value describing the cause of the failure. If the
file's length is larger than a 32-bit @code{unsigned int} can hold,
@code{errno} will be set to @code{EOVERFLOW}.
--- 12,24 ----
This function returns the size, in bytes, of a file whose handle is
specified in the argument @var{fhandle}. To get the handle of a file
! opened by @code{fopen} (@pxref{fopen}) or @code{freopen} (@pxref{freopen}),
! you can use @code{fileno} macro (@pxref{fileno}).
@subheading Return Value
The size of the file in bytes, or (if any error occured) -1L and
! @code{errno} set to a value describing the cause of the failure. If the
file's length is larger than a 32-bit @code{unsigned int} can hold,
@code{errno} will be set to @code{EOVERFLOW}.
Index: src/libc/posix/sys/stat/lfilelen.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/posix/sys/stat/lfilelen.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -p -c -3 -r1.4 lfilelen.txh
*** src/libc/posix/sys/stat/lfilelen.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:51:41 -0000 1.4
--- src/libc/posix/sys/stat/lfilelen.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:37:14 -0000
*************** long long lfilelength(int fhandle);
*** 12,23 ****
This function returns the size, in bytes, of a file whose handle is
specified in the argument @var{fhandle}. To get the handle of a file
! opened by @ref{fopen} or @ref{freopen}, you can use @ref{fileno} macro.
@subheading Return Value
The size of the file in bytes, or (if any error occured) -1LL and
! @var{errno} set to a value describing the cause of the failure.
The return value is of type @code{long long} which allows file sizes of
@math{2^63-1} bytes to be returned. Note that FAT16 limits files to near
--- 12,24 ----
This function returns the size, in bytes, of a file whose handle is
specified in the argument @var{fhandle}. To get the handle of a file
! opened by @code{fopen} (@pxref{fopen}) or @code{freopen} (@pxref{freopen}),
! you can use @code{fileno} macro (@pxref{fileno}).
@subheading Return Value
The size of the file in bytes, or (if any error occured) -1LL and
! @code{errno} set to a value describing the cause of the failure.
The return value is of type @code{long long} which allows file sizes of
@math{2^63-1} bytes to be returned. Note that FAT16 limits files to near
Index: src/libc/posix/sys/stat/st_loss.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/posix/sys/stat/st_loss.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -p -c -3 -r1.4 st_loss.txh
*** src/libc/posix/sys/stat/st_loss.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:51:41 -0000 1.4
--- src/libc/posix/sys/stat/st_loss.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:37:49 -0000
*************** void _djstat_describe_lossage(FILE *fp);
*** 10,17 ****
@subheading Description
! Accesses the global variable @ref{_djstat_fail_bits} and prints to the
! stream given by @var{fp} a human-readable description of the undocumented
DOS features which the last call to @code{stat()} or @code{fstat()} failed
to use. (If @var{fp} is zero, the function prints to stderr.) If the
last call to @code{f?stat()} didn't set any failure bits, an ``all's
--- 10,18 ----
@subheading Description
! Accesses the global variable @code{_djstat_fail_bits}
! (@pxref{_djstat_fail_bits}) and prints to the stream
! given by @var{fp} a human-readable description of the undocumented
DOS features which the last call to @code{stat()} or @code{fstat()} failed
to use. (If @var{fp} is zero, the function prints to stderr.) If the
last call to @code{f?stat()} didn't set any failure bits, an ``all's
Index: src/libc/posix/unistd/exec.txh
RCS file: /cvs/djgpp/djgpp/src/libc/posix/unistd/exec.txh,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -p -c -3 -r1.4 exec.txh
*** src/libc/posix/unistd/exec.txh 29 Jan 2003 12:51:41 -0000 1.4
--- src/libc/posix/unistd/exec.txh 31 Mar 2003 17:37:49 -0000
*************** int execvpe(const char *path, char *cons
*** 28,34 ****
@subheading Description
These functions operate by calling @code{spawn*} with a type of
! @code{P_OVERLAY}. Refer to @ref{spawn*} for a full description.
@subheading Return Value
--- 28,35 ----
@subheading Description
These functions operate by calling @code{spawn*} with a type of
! @code{P_OVERLAY}. Refer to @code{spawn*} (@pxref{spawn*})
! for a full description.
@subheading Return Value
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