Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2003/03/18/05:43:18
> Yes. I'm using bash 2.04.
> bash-2.04$ echo $PATH
> c:/djgpp/bin;c:/users/rich/bin;c:/windows;c:/windows;c:/windows/command;c:/djgpp/bin;c:/windows;c:/windows/command;c:/utils/toolbox;c:/djgpp/gnu/emacs/bin;c:/progra~1/doxygen/bin
Just to verify I'm not blind or something: you do not have . in the
PATH, right?
If you make some little program in tmp/ say silly.exe and go there and
type "silly" and "silly.exe" it says command not found, right?
If not, then it looks like your bash is broken... (Unlikely.)
If yes, there's something else different in my environment. Perhaps
SHELL=e:/djgpp/bin/-bash.exe (unsure about the "-")?
Since it works for you I suspect you manage to spawn COMMAND.COM from
the makefile, because the makefile tries to run the program like
"test" (I don't remember the exact name) which is broken because PATH
shouldn't include "." or at least the makefile should not count on
Perhaps another correction would be adding "SHELL=/bin/sh" too? (IIRC,
this would force make to run bash, right?) If you do, does it break
for you?
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