Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2002/11/13/12:21:50

From: "Be on ALL the Major Search Engines" <goodmansys AT freeuk DOT com>
To: "Djgpp-workers" <djgpp-workers AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: In just 48 HOURS!!! Guaranteed!
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 18:32:49 +0100
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      "Yes that's right! We guarantee to get &#13;&#10;your web site FOUND and SEEN on the &#13;&#10;major search engines in 48 HOURS or &#13;&#10;your money back! "></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D466 height=3D162
alt=3D"Yes that's right! We guarantee to get &#13;&#10;your web site FOUND and SEEN on the &#13;&#10;major search engines in 48 HOURS or &#13;&#10;your money back! "
<DIV align=3Dcenter>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV align=3Dcenter>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV align=3Dcenter>
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src=3D"flyer_files/image003.gif" alt=3D"Have you found this to be true: " v:shapes=3D"_x0000_s1047"><![endif]><span lang=3D"en-us"><br>
  <span lang=3D"en-us">you</span> search for <span lang=3D"en-us">your</span> 
  website on many of the search engines <span lang=3D"en-us">you cannot find it or when you do you find it is on the back pages!
  <b>Can this be changed?
            <FONT face=3D"Arial Black" size=3D"4" color=3D"#ff1c1c">
  YES!</FONT></i></b></span><DIV align=3Dleft>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV align=3Dleft>
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      "What the.Net, The Internet Magazine said: "></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D438 height=3D27
src=3D"flyer_files/image004.gif" alt=3D"What the.Net, The Internet Magazine said: "
v:shapes=3D"_x0000_s1046"><![endif]><STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><EM style=3D"FONT-STYLE: normal">"</EM></STRONG><EM><STRONG><br>
  You have your web site 
designed and have sorted out the maintenance and waiting for the business to 
roll in, but there's one small problem.... No one 
knows</STRONG></EM><EM style=3D"FONT-STYLE: normal"><STRONG>!"<span lang=3D"en-us">
  </span></STRONG></EM><STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><EM>You need a 
  professional company to do it!<span lang=3D"en-us">. </span></EM></STRONG>
  <span lang=3D"en-us">Getting onto the 
      worlds search engines and high in their listings doesn't&nbsp; just 
      happen. <STRONG>You have to be put there! </STRONG>          
<DIV align=3Dleft>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV align=3Dleft>
<DIV align=3Dcenter>
<DIV align=3Dcenter><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shape 
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      style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black'; v-text-kern: t" 
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      "YOU may be unaware of this Shocking fact: "></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D453 height=3D27
src=3D"flyer_files/image005.gif" alt=3D"YOU may be unaware of this Shocking fact: "
  <STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400">
  web site designer and your host are</STRONG><STRONG> NOT</STRONG><STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400"> responsible for 
getting your web site seen!</STRONG>&nbsp; <STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400">Yes, they 
may submit your site to a few search engines periodically but 
to&nbsp;stay on the TOP&nbsp;of the search engines is an aggressive 
business.</STRONG><DIV align=3Dleft>
  <p align=3D"center"><b><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shape id=3D_x0000_s1037 
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      "f" strokecolor =3D "white"><v:shadow color =3D 
      style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 16pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black'; v-text-kern: t" 
      fitpath =3D "t" trim =3D "t" string =3D 
      "Goodman Systems, Inc"></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D264 height=3D30
src=3D"flyer_files/image006.gif" alt=3D"Goodman Systems, Inc" v:shapes=3D"_x0000_s1037"><![endif]></b></p>
  <p align=3D"center"><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shape 
      style=3D"WIDTH: 153pt; HEIGHT: 20.25pt; mso-wrap-style: square; mso-wrap-distance-left: 9pt; mso-wrap-distance-top: 0; mso-wrap-distance-right: 9pt; mso-wrap-distance-bottom: 0; mso-position-horizontal-relative: text; mso-position-vertical: absolute; mso-position-vertical-relative: text; v-text-anchor: top" 
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      style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black'; v-text-kern: t" 
      fitpath =3D "t" trim =3D "t" string =3D 
      "is a world leader in "></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D197 height=3D27
src=3D"flyer_files/image007.gif" alt=3D"is a world leader in " v:shapes=3D"_x0000_s1036"><![endif]></p>
  <p align=3D"center"><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shape 
      style=3D"WIDTH: 266.25pt; HEIGHT: 20.25pt; mso-wrap-style: square; mso-wrap-distance-left: 9pt; mso-wrap-distance-top: 0; mso-wrap-distance-right: 9pt; mso-wrap-distance-bottom: 0; mso-position-horizontal-relative: text; mso-position-vertical: absolute; mso-position-vertical-relative: text; v-text-anchor: top" 
      type =3D "#_x0000_t136" coordsize =3D "21600,21600" fillcolor =3D "#369" stroked 
      =3D "f" strokecolor =3D "white"><v:shadow color =3D 
      style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black'; v-text-kern: t" 
      fitpath =3D "t" trim =3D "t" string =3D 
      "Professional Web Site Submission"></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D355 height=3D27
src=3D"flyer_files/image008.gif" alt=3D"Professional Web Site Submission" v:shapes=3D"_x0000_s1035"><![endif]></p>
  <p align=3D"center"><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shape 
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      "For only $119.97 or 129.97 Euros " fillcolor =3D "black"><v:shadow color =3D 
      style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 20pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS'; v-text-kern: t" 
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      "For only $119.97 "></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D334 height=3D41
src=3D"flyer_files/image009.gif" alt=3D"For only $119.97 or 129.97 Euros " v:shapes=3D"_x0000_s1027"><![endif]></p></DIV>
          <p align=3D"center"><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shape 
      id=3D_x0000_s1034 style=3D"WIDTH: 310.5pt; HEIGHT: 40.5pt" type =3D 
      "#_x0000_t136" coordsize =3D "21600,21600" alt =3D 
      "We guarantee that your web site will be&#13;&#10;FOUND and SEEN!" 
      fillcolor =3D "#369" stroked =3D "f"><v:shadow color =3D 
      style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black'; v-text-kern: t" 
      fitpath =3D "t" trim =3D "t" string =3D 
      "We guarantee that your web site will be&#13;&#10;FOUND and SEEN!"></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D414 height=3D54
alt=3D"We guarantee that your web site will be&#13;&#10;FOUND and SEEN!" v:shapes=3D"_x0000_s1034"><![endif]></p>
          <p><span lang=3D"en-us"><font face=3D"Arial"><b>The fact is</b> 
          that over 80 million real people use the search engines every day. 
          Search engines are the most effective way of reaching your customers. 
          <b>So you must be on them! </b>We guarantee to give your web site the 
          exposure that it deserves both locally and globally. Using the 
          expertise of years in the industry our aim is to get you to the top of 
          the search engine listings and then keep you there.<b> Guaranteed!</b></font></span></p>
<p><FONT face=3D"Arial"><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shape id=3D_x0000_s1028 
      style=3D"WIDTH: 305.25pt; HEIGHT: 60.75pt" type =3D "#_x0000_t136" coordsize =3D 
      "21600,21600" alt =3D 
      "To submit your web site all we need is &#13;&#10;your web site and  e-mail address. &#13;&#10;We will do the rest!" 
      fillcolor =3D "#369" stroked =3D "f"><v:shadow color =3D 
      style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black'; v-text-kern: t" 
      fitpath =3D "t" trim =3D "t" string =3D 
      "To submit your web site all we need is &#13;&#10;your web site and  e-mail address. &#13;&#10;We will do the rest!"></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D400 height=3D81
alt=3D"To submit your web site all we need is &#13;&#10;your web site and  e-mail address. &#13;&#10;We will do the rest!"
<p><STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400">
<FONT face=3D"Arial Black" color=3D#336699 size=3D"4">&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=3D4><span lang=3D"en-us">T</span>o 
Book our Service Simply<span lang=3D"en-us"> </span></FONT></STRONG><FONT size=3D4>
<STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400">PRESS this</STRONG></FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D4><STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman">&nbsp; </FONT>
<FONT face=3D"Arial Black">
<a style=3D"TEXT-DECORATION: none" href=3D"">
BOOK NOW!</a></FONT></STRONG></FONT><FONT face=3D"Arial"><FONT size=3D2 face=3D"Times New Roman" color=3D"#0000ff"><O:P></O:P></FONT><a href=3D"file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Daniel/My%20Documents/My%20Webs/"><font face=3D"Arial Black"><b> </b></font>
</a><b><font color=3D"#2b5698" face=3D"Arial Black">
<span lang=3D"en-us">&nbsp;</span></font></b><FONT size=3D4>Button&nbsp;and we can 
begin&nbsp;submitting your web site to the worlds search engines 
today!<span lang=3D"en-us"> </span></FONT><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman">
            <FONT face=3DArial>
<span lang=3D"en-us">giff image</span></FONT></b></FONT><FONT face=3DArial size=3D"5" color=3D"#336699">
<p><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shape id=3D_x0000_s1029 
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      style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black'; v-text-kern: t" 
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      "The results will astound you!"></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D301 height=3D27
src=3D"flyer_files/image012.gif" alt=3D"The results will astound you!" v:shapes=3D"_x0000_s1029"><![endif]></p>
          <font face=3D"Arial" color=3D"#000080"><font color=3D"#2b5698">
          <span lang=3D"en-us">&nbsp;</span></font><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shape 
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      "#_x0000_t136" coordsize =3D "21600,21600" alt =3D "What will happen next?" 
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      "What will happen next?"></v:textpath></v:shape><![endif]--><![if !vml]><img border=3D0 width=3D244 height=3D27
src=3D"flyer_files/image013.gif" alt=3D"What will happen next?" v:shapes=3D"_x0000_s1030"><![endif]></font></b></p>
  <FONT face=3DArial>
<DIV align=3Dleft>
  <p align=3D"center"><STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><EM style=3D"FONT-STYLE: normal">We 
will submit your web site to <span lang=3D"en-us"> the top search engines every 
  two days. We guarantee that your web site will be on them within 48 Hours and 
  then we will submit your web site to another&nbsp;1000</span> <span lang=3D"en-us">top 
  search engines and directories every 30 days</span></EM></STRONG>.<span lang=3D"en-us">
  </span><em style=3D"FONT-STYLE: normal"><strong style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400">
  <span lang=3D"en-us">S</span></strong></em><STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><EM style=3D"FONT-STYLE: normal"><span lang=3D"en-us">o 
  once we have got you onto the search engines you will stay on them!</span></EM><span lang=3D"en-us"><EM style=3D"FONT-STYLE: normal"> </EM></span></STRONG></FONT>
  <FONT face=3D"Arial Black"></P>
  <p align=3D"center"></FONT>
  <EM style=3D"FONT-STYLE: normal"><span lang=3D"en-us">
  <FONT face=3DArial>
  <STRONG>BUT we do more:</STRONG><STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400"> </STRONG></FONT>
  <FONT face=3DArial>
  <STRONG style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: 400">We will submit 
  your site <span lang=3D"en-us">using</span> the most 
effective meta tags and keywords.<span lang=3D"en-us">&nbsp;</span>How do we know<span lang=3D"en-us"> which are 
  the most effective ones to use on your web site? </span></STRONG></FONT></EM>
  <FONT face=3DArial>
  &nbsp;<span lang=3D"en-us">Our team of experts</span> 
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